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Girl: Thanks for the coffee!

The girl smiled at Y/n who just give her a cup of coffee

Y/n: Your welcome! Enjoy your meal!

Sunmi: Hey! It's your 23rd birthday! You should go back! Your Sister must be waiting for you!
Y/n: I know right! Thanks! I will be leaving now!
Sunmi: ok! Bye! Enjoy your day!

Y/n pov
Walking down the streets I again thought the moment I spent with Jungkook, it's been 5 years and he still didn't show up to me. The day when I woke up again I got angry for getting back in here for which I burned the book in the fire, idk why so I did it! Cause it will hurt me more looking in every day! I miss him! Love really hurts! A tear rolled down from my cheek, in this whole 5 years lot of things changed, Lisa Unnie is CEO of the Biggest company of Seoul, yah we shifted after the day from Busan to Seoul, Jennie Unnie is a model and Jisoo she is also a Ceo under Fashion dress company, talking about Rose she got to Australia last week for her higher studies and me! I just don't want to be something like that, I worked in my Bestfriends cafè as we both decided to do it so.

I stopped at Bridge and looked towards the view in front.

???: Y/n? Is that you?
Y/n: /looks at her left side and saw a person which she never dreamed of will see again/


Inyeop ran and Hugged her tightly while tears left from his eyes, Y/n got a shocking cause of his action...He broke the hug and cupped her face.

Inyeop: Where were you? I searched for you everywhere! Where were you and others?!
Y/n: can we talk somewhere?

Sitting on a bench under a tree inside a park, Inyeop continued to talk...
Inyeop: That Day, when you cut off my phone, I immediately ran to your house and saw that your door was broken and everything was messed up, I got worried and searched for you and others, I then also registered you all at the police station for your missing case, that was of no use, I waited till 1 month and then they closed the case of you all. Where were you? Are Lisa, Jennie, Jisoo and Rose with you? Are they safe?
Y/n: Yes! They are! And sorry for the thing you have to suffer because of us!
Inyeop: You shouldn't! I am sorry for not seeing your care and love for me!

Y/n looked at him in shock.

Inyeop: I know you love me so much, sorry I didn't say it.
Y/n: How did you know?
Inyeop: The day when police were investigating your room, I saw a pink diary in which you have written about me. I am sorry, that I can't love you like the way you loved me, And I am not the one for you, you will find someone better than me.
Y/n: I... already found him but-
Inyeop: But what?
Y/n: I lost my hope that he will show up again.
Inyeop: Hey! I am sure! If you love him and he loves you back, then no matter what you both will be together! Don't lose hope...
Y/n: Hmm, hey! What about your wife?
Inyeop: huh? Oh her! She left me!
Y/n: What!?
Inyeop: Yah! She loved someone else, she ran away on the day of our marriage, and I don't care much because I was already upset for you all, and then after 1 year I left Busan and shifted here, I made one best friend name Eunwoo, and we are together.
Y/n: Oh! I am sorry-
Inyeop: Nah! It's ok! But you didn't tell me what happened to you all and also where were you for these 5 years?
Y/n: It's a long story! When I will meet you next time I will definitely tell you about it!
Inyeop: Alright! Btw! Happy birthday miss Manoban!
Y/n: /chuckles/ you remember?
Inyeop: How can I even forgot about it!

Inyeop hugged Y/n and before Leaving they exchange their phone number.

Y/n pov
I walked down the streets looking at the couples holding hand in hand, while walking I stopped at a piano store where a couple was playing the piano, I smiled at them as I remember the moment- wait! I know what to do!
I ran to my house and burst inside my room, I took out my jacket and sat on the table ready to play the piano.....

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