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Evans: It's night and I can see the moon clearly....Anyway back to the story... I started to run away from a group that want me to die just because I make a prank on them... Well i can't expected them to be nice at all... I just make all of them fall into the river...Well they were causing a problem so I dont see any problem by doing that...Ok, Evans stop talking to yourself and keep running.

Just after that, the group found him .

Man 1: Hey, you little dumb white hair! No more run. You know that you have a problem with us!

Evans (In his mind) :Damn, I really should not talk to myself again.

Evans: Ugh... I think you got a wrong person.I'm just a little white riding a road 😅

Man 2: are you kidding me.Do you think we are stupid!We know you.You are the kid that pull the rope that was tied to the bridge and make us fall.

Evans: Not remember about that.😅

Man 3 : Damn this kid! we should make him as a slave and sell it to people that want it!

Evans: Oh come on! I'm just pull it to know if the bridge is still strong .

Man 2: I see so you really pull it!

Evans:ugh.. did I just said something 😅

The man 1 started to grab his collar and lift him up .

man 1:This will help you to remember!

Man 1 started to launch his punch towards his face.He hit it again and again.Suddenly, a mysterious person show up from behind the tree and throw the dozen of cards play trick to them.(just imagine how professional throw a card as a weapon).

Man 3: what the...!

Jack: Forget to introduce myself, my name is Jack and I am actually looking for someone.

Man 4: Go to the city you dumbass!

Jack:Lucky for me, the person that I want to meet is that kid.Can you let him go?

Man 1: I see.Hey!If you want this brat, how about pay us some money.

Evans:I dont know who you are but can you help me,😅

Jack : Even in this situation you can still make that face.🧐

Man 5: Hey!Just give the money if you want him!

Jack: Ok fine. I get it.All of you just want a money is it?. Ok, here it is. Just let him go.

Man 2 check the pouch to see if its a money or not.When he see, there's a 10 notes that written 100 dollars.

Man 2: What paper is this!Are you kidding me.

Jack: Oops! I forget that this world does not use this currency. Sorry😄

Just right after that, he quickly take the boy out of man 1's hand and his pouch and run away.

Evans amazed at how fast he run.

Jack: Hey! do you see that ship over there.

Evans Look at the sky and see there's a ship flying over there.

Evans:What the heck is that !
How's that possibly happen.

Jack:I will explain later right now we need to get in my ship first.

Evans: Your ship?!

Jack: Grab my hand kid.We are gonna jump.

Evans : Huh?

By that moment Jack jump higher than most people Evans has seen.

They reached the ship.

Evans ask
Evans: How can we get here?How can you jump that higher?What is this?

Jack: I... will tell you later.Right now we need to get out from this dimension.

Evans: Huh what do you mean by that?Where do you wanna bring me?Are not this kidnapping?

Jack : I will explain to you later. For now, how about make a friend .

Evans look to his side and see that there's the kids.

One of the kid approach him
Xander: Hey, what's your name ?

Evans: Evans.Who are you?

Xander:I'm Xander.That light blue hair is link.The boy that wear a punk cloth is Dira.

Evans:Please! Tell me where is he gonna take me to?

Xander: I don't know about that but what I know is that we will get to live in a glorius mansion.

Evans: a glorious mansion?

that moment evans sees the ship is entering a circle portal that suddenly appear in the sky.

Evans:What in the world did i just saw?

To be continued.......

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2022 ⏰

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