Sudden Attack

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Still, the silence remains without any response. Go-hae-ri feels guilty, and she slowly opens the door.

Suddenly, a stranger with a covered face kicks the door and jumps into the room forcefully.

"Ya...ya...ya...Who are you?" Go-hae ri jumps a step backward and takes out the hidden weapon on her thigh, aiming it at him.

He doesn't say a word his voice and instead laughs evilly. Finally, he asks...

" you're the lobbyist sent by Jessica Lee?"

"Yes, it's me. Who are you?" Hae-ri remains motionless in her shooting pose as she questions him. She feels terrified, and her face starts to sweat, but she tries to replace her fear with courage as she stares him down.

He mutters, "Aish...this little spunch. Why did he describe you as Super Woman?". The stranger smiles to himself and looks back at her.

"He said that you're a very strong-willed one, and he handed this to me to shut you up..." The stranger shows her the heavy weapon in his right hand and smirks.

Hae-ri thinks to herself, "It seems like the stranger has a 'Desert eagle' (a powerful gun)....But who is this 'he'? I don't understand. What is this punk talking about?". Many doubts revolve around her mind.

The stranger speaks again. "But, here you're nothing to me. I've triumphed over many good fighters who are better than you. Compared to them, you're just a little dust particle for me". He looks her up and down and sighs with a sarcastic laugh.

Seeing a chance, she jumps towards him and tries to snatch the 'Desert eagle' from him.

"Ya....ya....this crazy b*tch....Stop it....Just stop it............." Go-hae-ri struggles for the weapon. Ultimately, the stranger stops her and tightens his hands around her neck with his strong arms, grabbing her weapon as well.

"Hey...W-h-o the h-e-c-k are you?" Her words are strangled by the stranger's choke hold.

"You don't need to know anything about me young lady. Now, get ready to meet Mr. M-a-n-" He's not able to finish his sentence as Go-hae-ri 's unexpected punch throws him off guard. Hae-ri sprints away and manages to make it to the balcony before he catches her again.

"You...disgusting evil witch....stop, will you...." He chases her and tries to restrain her forcefully.

Go-hae-ri fights and struggles to remove the face mask concealing his identity.

"What the hell.....this nasty b*tch!" He slaps her as hard as he can, and the force causes her to slip from the balcony. Hae-ri's heart pounds as she struggles to hold on to the arc of the balcony with a single hand.

" know, you're not that bad. It's a pity, because now you're really dead" The stranger tries to pull her hand away from the supporting arc with his infuriating smirk.

At this time, the neighbours are crowding along the road and shouting with fear as they watch Go-hae-ri dangling.

"Oh god...that crazy man is trying to kill her...hey...hey...somebody please help her!!", an old man points at Go-hae-ri and yells to the others.

"Yes...has that strange man really gone out of his mind? Oh god, please help her", another one replies with wide, shocked eyes.

Suddenly a siren sounds. The emergency police Jeep has arrived! People spread apart and get off the road.

"Ok, hurry up guys! You three! Run to the fourth floor and catch that punk! And you two, come with me", Gi-Tae-Ung says the officers and runs towards the crowd.

"Let's climb to the balcony from this path", he says to the two officers with him. They start to climb up.

"Hey...Hae-ri...don't give up...hang on, we will be there soon to save you".

"Yeah....I will t-rr-y...." Suddenly, seeing that hae-ri is distracted, the stranger is able to press her hand, and she starts falling.

"A---aaaaaaa", she screams in complete fear.

"Ya....hae-ri -ahhhhhhh!!!!!!!!". Gi-Tae-Ung's shocked voice echoes through the city with a mournful tone.....


Author's Note: What will happen to her?

Is this Go-hae-ri 's end????

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​​​​​​See you soon......

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2021 ⏰

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