- Author's Notes -

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- First off, even though I'm going to try to have as many original story arcs and characters as possible, the idea of writing a Fanfiction in this universe is so that I can join the story of the OC with the story of the original main characters of Jujutsu Kaisen, so there will be some overlap in arcs on occasion. Also, I will be adding more months in-between certain events to allow for interactions with other characters and the story of the Main Character and some Slice-of-life type stuff.

- There will most likely be some Romance in this story, being with with Maki or Mai Zenin. Feel free to let me know which you'd prefer it to be with, I'm currently set on Maki, but my mind can be changed if enough people don't like that. Be sure to let me know fast, as the setup for it will start within the first few chapters.

- There will come a point where I may or may not completely alter the story and go off on another branching path while still taking elements of what happens normally. This potential branching point is the point at which the Anime stops and the Manga picks up, as I think it'll be pretty hard to incorporate my character into the Arcs following what has been established in the Anime.

The next section will basically just be me explaining different separators and symbols, and what they mean.


---   -   Used as a marker that indicates when there is no one POV, normally done during an introduction or to allow for the showing of multiple locations at once. A simple "-" may be used during this time to indicate a change in location, however.

---   -  Used as a marker to indicate when a small timeskip takes place, the exact amount of time being skipped sometimes being stated after.

--- Name's POV ---  -  Used to indicate which POV is being switched to. While a POV is active the character in question will have their relevant thoughts shown in writing.

Italics are used to indicate the thoughts of the character who's POV is currently being written.

Bold is used simply to highlight something, but I may use it in my personal messages.

----   -  Marker used to indicate when the chapter has ended, which may have a message from myself just under it. It may also be at the beginning of a chapter or part depending on if I need to say something at the start.


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