Chapter two

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"I love you, Sadie," I say, kissing her forehead.

"Love you too, mommy." She smiles, gripping her bag and grabbing the teacher's hand as she is lead into the classroom.

I look down at the watch on my wrist and shudder at the forming bruise. Last night, I had tried to walk away from Morgan's screaming. I shouldn't have done it. I shift the watch to cover the discoloration, and turn it around to see the time. It is still only 7:30am. Another hour until I have to be to work, I think, as I walk back to my car.

There is a Starbucks five minutes away from the school, and I found myself instinctively drawn to it. After I ordered a coffee, I sit at a booth and savor my drink. Ding! The door hums as it opens. I look over to find an attractive man with short brown hair pulled into a mohawk, piercing blue eyes, and a red and black letter man. His arm is wrapped around a blond bimbo, with her fake orange chest pouring out of a spaghetti strapped shirt, and her ass falling out of a miniskirt. I sigh and divert my attention back at my coffee. They order their drinks and leave, and I imagine, just as they were leaving, he turns his head towards me and winked. I blushed at the thought, but am suddenly reminded that it was just that: only a thought.

My watch now reads 8:10am. I stand up from my seat and discard the rest of cold coffee. I arrive at the school soon after, and admire the structure. It was large, with dark red bricks. Glenn Rose High School was formed in beautiful script, carved in a golden plaque between the main entrance's doors. I find a close parking spot and grab my supplies before slamming the car door behind me.

"Excuse me, do you need help with that?" A strong booms from behind me. Startled, I turn around to see a kid about 6 feet tall, and long black hair and snake bites.

"If it's not to much trouble." I smile, looking up at him. He takes the box and walks beside me.

"So I'm taking it you're a teacher." He smiles looking down at my box.

"You are correct," I say, watching his hands as he carries my bags. He does a hair flip to reveal ocean blue eyes, and I immediately smile. There were some things the no amount of teen angst and punk style could ever cover.

"So what's your name?" He asks staring down at me. "I think you're my teacher."

"Sarah Higgins. Thank you for asking. What is your name?"

"I'm James," he said, opening the door to my classroom.

"Thank you, James." I smile, walking into the room and taking a seat at my desk. He sets the box down and an audible thump! is heard as it hits the metal top. A picture frame jumps at the sudden impact, and throws itself out of the box. I gasp ans James narrowly saves it from sure destruction.

"She's Cute," he says, staring at the picture. I forgot that I had the framed photograph of Sadie at the top of the pile.

"Thanks," I tell him. "I appreciate all the help you've given me." I smile, putting the picture on my desk. James and I talk and assemble my desk until the bell rings. Students rush in and grab available seats. I smile at James sitting in the front and center. Some things can't be covered.

"Hello, class. I am Mrs. Higgins, and I will be your English teacher this year."

I start by quickly calling attendance. Nearly everyone was present except for Matthew Channing, who I assumed would be trouble for the rest of the year. I made a metal note to talk to the other teachers to find out what to expect from him.

"Ok, so," I say, clapping my hands. "Since it's the first day of school and I'm only just unpacked, we are just going to talk. Is there any questions you want to ask me?"

"Are you single?" A kid with short, spiky blond hair and brown eyes shouts out.

"Raise your hand, please," I tell him. "And no, I'm happily married." The first question of the first day of school, and I've already lied to my students. I nervously twist a piece of hair around my finger, picking the first person to raise a hand.

"How old are you?" A pizza faced boy with red hair asks.

"I'm twenty-three." The door opens and quickly closes. "Glad you could join us, Mr. Channing," I said, scratching out the A and putting a T for tardy. I look over to see the kid I saw at Starbucks, his hair out of place and his shirt rising.

"Sorry, I-"

"No need for an explanation." I interrupt. "I know where you were."

"The principal's office? I was helping him-"

"No, not the principal's office. Though that's where you will find yourself if you decide coffee is more important than learning again," I tell him as the other kids laugh. His face turns bright red, and he takes a seat in the far back. "So, any thing else?"

"Do you know you're extremely beautiful?" A Blonde girl with gray eyes asked, licking a purple sucker and smiling from ear to ear.

"Well, thanks" I said, blushing. "But flattery won't get you extra credit." An audible groan passed through the class. The bell rang dismissing the students, and they all rushed out except James.

"Mrs. Higgins," He started.

"Sarah," I corrected. "You're in High School; you're old enough to refer to me by my first name.

"Sarah, do you think I can come in here for lunch? I don't have..." He said, shyly tucking a piece of hair behind his ear.

"Sure, I'll be waiting." I smile, reassuringly patting his hand. I see him grin as he walks out of the classroom.

The rest of the classes went by smoothly without incident. The lunch bell rings and I quickly walk to the cafeteria and pay for a salad. I arrive back at the classroom to see James spinning in my chair and eating a green apple.

"Having fun?" I laugh. He spins quickly around and almost falls off, then blushes foolishly. He stands up and pulls a chair to the front of my desk. I take my seat and stare into his eyes. I could feel my cheeks heating up, so I looked back at my salad until he spoke.

"So tell me about your daughter," he says, trying to cover his reddened face.

"Oh, she's a hoot," I beam. "She can make me laugh on my worst days. Do you have any siblings?" I ask, taking a bite.

"Yes, Emily. Cutest darn thing." He smiled, pulling out his wallet and showing me her picture. She had a very thin face, ocean blue eyes, plump pink lips, and her long black hair was pulled into a braid in the back.

"She's beautiful!" I pout my lips and bring the picture closer to my face. I realize my duck face, and hand his wallet back. My watch's clasp slips and moves down my arm.

"What's that?" He asks, grabbing my wrist and rubbing the bruise with his thumb. His face contorts in confusion and worry.

I flinch in pain as he touches it. "Well, uhh-" The bell interrupts me. "That's the bell. You'd better get to class," I say.

He looks at me strangely and then leaves. I knew this was not the end of his questioning, adnd began to dread tomorrow.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05, 2011 ⏰

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