chapter one

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How could one human being be so good at everything??
And how could the same human being still manage to look pretty,cute,sexy,hot without even trying???

Alex Jenkins .

He was in my year.Bellemount highschool
He was so awesome.And every girl loved him.

Even the older ones.

Yes.Thats how hot he was.

You just couldn't not stare.

He was like that one flower that was prettier than the rest of the flowers from the same tree.

He was like that perfect muffin among a whole dozen.

He was like that pretty dollar among a whole stack.

He was just beyond perfection.

Dark messy hair.

Eyes the colour of of the ocean,sometimes they looked more of wild waves.All depended on his mood.

He had the perfect jawline.

His lips.

Oh my God.
Only God knows how I always wanted to touch them.

Yes.Touch them.

That would be enough.After all,I don't think I would still be alive after touching them.So even getting a taste was out of the picture.

He never looked like he was in highschool.He looked exactly like a movie star.

And that's where it all ended.

I was just a crazy stalker.

That's all I managed to do.

Stare at him.Everyday.

I took in every detail as I watched him everyday.

The way he got off his black motorcycle ,how he removed his helmet,how he ran his hands through his hair after.

I couldn't get enough.No one could.

He had been in our school for a year now.
He wasn't dating anyone.

I had heard some rumours about how he turned Mitchell down.

No one ever did that.At all.

Mitchell Hyde was the richest kid at Bellemount.
She wore strictly designer.All those elegant dresses I saw on vogue and cosmo,yes those ones.

She had them.And she used Kylie Cosmetics.Imagine.

Damn,that girl was such a show off.She bragged a lot.
She was pretty,sophisticated but not nice.

If anything,she was the meanest at Bellemount.

We all knew what she was capable of.Can you believe she poured orange juice on me when I was still new???????

I don't even want to remember how it took forever for me to get that stain of the shirt.It was my favourite  shirt and she ruined it.

All because,she saw me staring at her.

I couldn't help it,she had a nice outfit,and I was just looking.The nerve.!!

So I was saying.He turned Mitchell down.Even I was shocked.Everyone was.

Mitchell  had dated all the hot guys in school.

Mostly the basketball team.Almost all the basketball team members.Except Jake and Blake.The rhyme.haha.i know right?
Why though?

'Miss sophisticated 'thought Jake and Blake were way out of her league.
Alex Jenkins  played basketball.

Oh my God!

Did I forget to mention that Alex was also among the guys from the team who Mitchell  hadn't dated ?
Oh just can't put Alex in the same sentence with Blake and Jake or any other guy.

And probably,that's why I mentioned the ' him not dating 'thing first.

I had never had a  one on one encounter with Jenkins.
How ??

He was always with the basketball team members all the time.

He didn't hang around the cafeteria most of the time.
Trust me I had tried.

You do know about all those cliché first time meet cute 'right??

Can you believe I tried that Bullshit.It obviously didn't work.

Because if it did,I would be holding hands with Jenkins right now,or maybe we would be kissing.

Oh boy!!

I dream a lot,right????I know.

How about I take you through those 'meet cute plans'that didn't work.

1.I had once noticed he was heading in my direction.I moved back a little and pretended I didn't see him.

I was supposed to bump into him and obviously once my books would fall,he was supposed to help me pick them up.And tadah!!!we would lock eyes,exchange numbers and from there,,our love life would begin.

Things didn't happen as I expected. We did bump into each other.But he just mumbled a sorry and ran off to wherever he was going.
I collected my books alone.
Frustrating right???

2.I started going to his favourite coffee shop.Alex loved coffee.
So much.
But,every time I went there after school,he would have already left,or sometimes he wouldn't show up at all.

And once when he showed up,he came with the entire basketball team.

And then he wouldn't even notice me anyway.
I gave up on that idea.

Also frustrating, right?????

3.I signed up for gym membership at starship gym.I had noticed he loved going there.And what other perfect setup than the gym???

Seeing him shirtless was definitely  something to die for.Literally.I could see his abs from the shirts he used to wear.

Oh boy,definitely drool worthy.
Plus my best friend,Beryl Lumori told me it was a great idea.And she has a very sharp mind.Very sharp.She gives the best advice.

And can you imagine this time it didn't  work??Because immediately I signed up,he terminated his membership.

Beryl's advice always works for me.So once it didn't, I knew my fate was sealed.

Alex Jenkins would never be mine..

Maybe he was not 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒐𝒏𝒆 after all.

𝑎𝑢𝑡ℎ𝑜𝑟𝑠 𝑛𝑜𝑡𝑒

Phew(wipes sweat from forehead)
Alex Jenkins is really hot..that writing about him makes me sweat.

So I just scribbled this chapter two days ago in my diary and I felt like I could make a good book out of it.

So,I'd love it if you support me through this journey all the way🤗
I promise I won't disappoint you🥺❤

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I love you all❤❤❤

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 25, 2021 ⏰

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