Part 36

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While, Manan reached the Malhotra enterprises.

Nandini was there for the first time but everyone obviously knew her cause they were official. Manik was in his Malhotra aura all the time, while Nandini was smiling at everyone who wished her.

As soon as they reached Manik's cabin, Manik looked and smiled at her.

Nandini was surprised. : How do you do this so quick?

Manik: Do what?

Nandini: Are you like a dual personality? I mean you were in so much attitude outside Manik, not at all the one I know and as soon as we in, you are back.

Manik: I don't know , it is not intentional. Comes from within.

Nandini: You got to keep a smile always from now on. Done deal?

Manik: Difficult but if you say, Okay.

Nandini smiled and pecked his cheeks.

Manik: Thankyou, settle down now. Coffee?

Nandini: No No I am fine.

Manik nodded.

Manik: I will call the designers and you can tell them whatever is needed for the designs.

Nandini nodded. The designers came in.

Manik shaked hands with them with a smile which shocked the designers. It was new to them .

Manik: Mr. Sheikh, here she is Ms. Nandini Murthy , the one who owns the restaurant chains. You all are working for her on this project.

Mr. Sheikh: Hello Ma'am.

Nandini: Hi

Manik: Nandini I am in the conference room. You guys discuss whatever is needed and Mr. Sheikh , I want the best work this time.

Mr. Sheikh: Ofcourse Sir, its for family afterall.

Manik smiled and left the cabin.

Mr. Sheikh showed her the presentation of all modern interior designs and Nandini selected a few of them.

Mr. Sheikh: What about the counter designs Ma'am?

Nandini: I am really sorry, I am not good with counters. Manik can tell you better. Ask him for that and anyways its our project and not solely mine now.

Mr. Sheikh smiled and nodded at her.

Mr. Sheikh: I will take your leave now Ma'am.

Nandini shaked hands with him and sat on the sofa in the cabin surfing through instagram.

After an hour, Manik entered the cabin to see her talking to someone over phone.

She looked up and passed her million dollar smile to Manik even when she was on a call. Manik reciprocated it back. Normally, after a meeting, he is tired and all he wants is a cup of coffee but today that smile did its work.

Nandini: Yeah finalize the deal and call me when its done . Bye.

She hung up the call.

Manik: Hey.

Nandini: Hi. Done?

Manik: Yeah, what were you doing all this while?

Nandini: I slept for a while I guess and then Pia called for some deal. Was just sorting it out.

By now, they were standing face to face. Manik wrapped his hands around her waist.

Manik: Why didn't you finalize the counter designs too?

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