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Zayn's POV-

I was sitting on a bench with my best mate observing the freshmeat. They all were saying goodbye to their parents. They're all emotional and shit and we were making fun of them.

"God the freshmen I swear they get more and more annoying every year." My mate, Louis, says looking at the parking lot full of college students saying goodbye to their parents. You could tell what year they were by how they said goodbye to their parents. The seniors usually give them a quick hug if they are even are with their parents, the juniors just say bye and try to get their parents to leave already, the sophomores say goodbye and shed a few tears when parting ways and the freshmen and they're parents are all blubbery and total messes its very amusing.

"Dude look over at that one!" Louis says, laughing and pointing.

I look over at this kid who is sobbing into his mum's shoulder and it looks like she is the one comforting him. This kid was a nervous wreck I mean he is like a girl. Ew so many damn emotions being basically thrown up over there, it's fucking disgusting.


Liam's POV~

I hug my Mum tightly, crying into her neck. I hate that I won't be seeing her everyday. I mean, I'm happy to be working at achieving my dreams; this is definitely the place for them. I'm Liam Payne, & I am a freshman at Julliard. A very prestigious Arts college in New York. I want to be a professional ballet dancer; yes I know what you're thinking...ballet is for girls. Well it isn't.

"I'll miss you." I cry into her neck. "Shh..relax sweetie, you'll be alright, I promise. But I'l miss you too, a lot." She says soothingly. I finally let her go & hug my dad goodbye. He pats me on the back comfortingly, "Don't cry Kiddo, you'll be alright." He says reassuringly & I wipe my tears away and nod. He's right, I knew he was..but I was still sad about it. I mean, I've never lived on my own before. I've never not had them to sit down and have dinner with, or talk about my day, or hear about theirs. If I get sick they won't be there to comfort me, I'll just have to get used to standing on my own two feet I suppose. Yes, I know I sound like a complete baby, I'm just emotional okay?

I love my parents very much, it's not my fault I'm going to miss them like crazy, they're like my best friends. Well..two out of three. My best friend is going here too, his name is Harry Styles. He's also a freshman, just like me. We are both here for ballet. That's actually how we met; ballet class when we were six years old. We've been inseparable ever since.


Zayn POV-

"Man this blubber boy is making me feel sick to my stomach we should go somewhere else." I say getting up.

"Agreed." Louis said getting up and walking with me. Louis and I have been going to school here for two years now; this is our Junior year. So we know the lay of the land pretty well by now. Almost everyone here knows who we are, or has at least heard of us. We're the school's bad asses I guess you could say; so everyone either wants to be us, fuck us, or is scared shittless of us.

"Hey mates." I can tell who it is by his Irish accent, Niall. Niall Horan is another one of my close mates, although he is a year under us. He's only a Sophomore. We kind of look at him like a little brother, sometimes he's annoying as fuck, but we love him. "Hey Horan, What's up?" Louis asks, & I just give him a 'sup' nod.

"Wanna go to the arcade today?" He asks. "Sure man, I'm bored with the freshmeat anyways, they're all a bunch of fucking pussies." I reply, shrugging my shoulders. A year and a half ago Louis & I had found this arcade just off campus, ever since then it kinda became a usual hang out for us. Louis and I had moved all the way from Bradford, England just to attend this school. I may seem like i don't give a shit about anything, which is half true. But I actually really do care about my art. I'm going to school to be a Rapper/DJ, but I also really like painting. Especially graffiti.

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