Chapter 5

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Eijiro opened the closet in the guest bedroom and grabbed blankets and set them on the bed "here it is! There's towels in the closet and the bathroom is down the hall to the left" he said as he smiled "if anything call me or Tetsu m'kay?" Bakugou nodded and Sero thanked him for letting them stay "don't mention it" Eijiro said in a giving voice.

As soon as Eijiro left Bakugou started trash talking Tetsu "iM tEtSu tEtSu EiJiRo'S bOyFriEnD. No your not like stfu." Sero was laughing "you really hate him but you just met him why?" Sero realized shortly.. "....Wow you fell for him that hard already?" Bakugou grabbed a towel in disgust and left to the bathroom.

He opened the door, closed it and locked it turned on the shower and got in. Shortly after he got out dried himself and realized he didn't have clothes "Fuck- uh- HANTA!!" Sero walked to him "WHAT?" Bakugou managed say he needed clothes kindly and Hanta went to go ask Tetsu for clothes because Tetsu seemed Bakugou's size, Tetsu of course lended him some clean clothes.

Sero handed Katsuki the clothes he put them on, and came out he bathroom. Eijiro was playing against Tetsu and Hanta in 'Super Smash Bros' on the Nintendo Switch, Bakugou walked over to the living room (where the three were) and sat on the couch next to Eijiro "I WONT LOSE TO A PERSON WHO'S 5'2" Tetsu yelled Eijiro felt targeted "HEY AT LEAST I CAN FIT IN SMALL SPACES JERK"

Sero was getting pissed off because he was on his last life, "WHAT IS ALL THE YELLING ABOUT!?" It was Yaoyorozu, everyone froze, Yaoyorozu goes to bed at 8 pm and it was 2:17 AM and boy was she cranky. "I HAVE MANY THINGS TO DO IN THE MORNING I DONT WANT THIS FUSS AND I WANT MY 8 HOURS OF SLEEP. GOT IT?" Everyone nodded, Bakugou just made a 'Tch' sound, "I want everyone in bed THIS INSTANT." Sero took the game and ran Tetsu picked up Kiri and ran

While Bakugou picked up a few snacks and walked back, Yaoyorozu went back to bed and was still a little mad before she fell asleep.

(TetsuKiri soft moments brought to you by Radio Head )

"Nah nah the first person to fall asleep MUST  have been thinking they were dying." Eijiro finished "Okay because if your invisible and you close your eyes can you see through your eyelids?" Kirishima froze, "Fuck you I'm going to bed" Tetsu chuckled "since when are you a top?" Eiji hit Tetsu on the chest "leave me alone I'm trying to sleep!" Tetsu cuddled Eijiro and he cuddled back, he loved Tetsu after all.

(TetsuKiri soft moments over )

Bakugou hated Tetsu with a passion so he came up with a plan.

He started writing in a book and smirked at the plan he made, he closed the book turned off the lights and went to bed. (sharing a bed with Hanta bc he had no other choice)

When Hanta and Katsuki woke up, He told Hanta his plan, he was all for it since it would mean Eiji would be more vulnerable, they showered (separately) got spare clothes on, and the plan was a go. "Hey Eiji!" Hanta called out, Yaoyorozu and Tetsu we're out getting groceries so it was the perfect  time to do it.

Eijiro went to him of course and asked "Yea? What'ya need?" Sero pulled him in and kissed him and of course 

Tetsu walked in.


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