Tomorrow Never Knows

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Paul's POV


Paul, Paul. Paul McCartney......Paul! I wake up in a cold sweat, heart beating at lightning speed, seeing a strange faceless being in front of me. I look over to see my love still sound asleep. They have stereotypical angel wings and a thin frame, hair slicked back into a pony tail. "W-What the hell?" I ask, feeling condensation drip down my forehead. They looked like a drawing from their paper white body. "Don't be afraid. This is not a dream, yes I am speaking to you." The voice said, echoing through the entire room. "Well, it's a dream for her." They pointed over to Linda, her peacefully sleeping with her bottom lip sagging out the slightest bit. "B-but you don't have a mouth. You don't even have a face, how can you talk to me?"

"I'm wearing a mask. Power from above sent me here for your quest."

I furrow my brows, mind racing with every thought I could have. They just stood there poised, hands crossed together. "My quest?" I ask, sitting up in bed.

"The power from above has given you three chances to change anything about your life with your best friend."


"Yes, John Winston Ono-Lennon. Any event in your history you will be able to change within limits. But I cannot tell you what those limits are, you will have to figure them out on your own. You are in between a state of sleep and restlessness. At the end of this journey, you will be transported back to your bed, to wake up and carry on with your life. Because you are not technically asleep, you are able to perform tasks, just to let you know. Are you ready?"

"Can I just have a minute to get dressed and have some tea?"

"Of course." They nodded.

My muscles felt weak as I pulled out of bed, hearing cracking all over my body. I opened the closet and flipped through some clothes. "It can get quite cold, so be aware of that, Mr. McCartney." The presumably angel informed me. So I pulled on a jumper and some trousers, feeling their gaze on me. "'M just gonna go brush me teeth." I said, sighing as I turned on the light and flinched by the brightness. I look dead. "Well it'll suit your type of journey." They replied almost instantaneously. "Do you read minds or something?" I quip. "As a matter of fact, yes. They granted me mind reading after a month of my death." I continued brushing the taste out of my mouth as I began to question it more. "So you were a person?"

They sighed, walking over to where I was. "Yes, I was. Things were going so great for me and then one day.....poof. Everything I loved was taken away from me and I could feel being pulled up by an angel as I waved goodbye to my family." Water started to swell in my eyes. "I'm so sorry. I-I didn't know-" "It's fine. I'm over that know. Plus I still get to see them from up above almost everyday. Get to visit for holidays. Sometimes they're nice enough to let me visit randomly."

"Enough about me, let's talk about the journey. You have an idea of where you'd like to start?" They inquired. "I dunno. Might start from the beginning. It's all very new to me." "Yes, as it should be. These requests usually aren't accepted often." I turned off the bathroom light and headed downstairs into the kitchen grabbing the kettle. I poured some water into it and turned on the stove, grabbing the tea bags and milk while I had the thought in my brain. "I nearly forgot to inform you on why I look like this. At night I will shine bright because you need to be able to see me, but in the daylight I will be black as the sky itself so it's easy to spot me while we race through time frames. They ran out of red so I had to choose another color." They joked in a northern old lady accent. I chuckled. "Why do you have to use a disguise?" I ask genuinely curious.

"It's to hide any indicator of color that would appear naturally on the human body." They answer while crossing one leg over the other. "I get that kind of, but why the face mask?" I prod for an answer while getting up to take the screaming kettle off of the heat. "It's to hide my identity, as I've told you." They echoed. "As for the reason I can't identify myself to you; You are not allowed to know who is helping you through this journey under any circumstance because it will hinder your judgement on any decisions you decide to make. Therefore you can not ask any questions about my identity and if you do, I cannot answer them truthfully, Mr. McCartney. Or shall I call you James?"

"Call me Paul."

The tea slides down my throat fine, burning a little but other than that it tastes fine. "Would you like any should I refer to you?" I stutter a sliver. "You can call me Betty and I will call you Al," They humor me, "But I will have to decline on the offer of tea. I am a ghost after all."

"Oh, that's right, I'm sorry." They waved me off. "No need. Are you ready for our journey?"

"I don't think I'll ever be fully ready because this is technically impossible because time is a human concept and the prospect of a higher power is exciting but frightening-" I rambled, seeing them look at a metaphorical clock on their wrist, carrying a briefcase. "But yes, I think I'm ready."

"Yes! God, I'm so excited!" They screamed, jumping up in the air childishly. "Uh, anyway....follow me outside, Paul." I slipped on some shoes and a jacket and followed them outside to the vast fields in front of me, saying hello to the horses in our little stables that we have as we went along. We reached some trees and then they stopped. The wind whipped through my clothes and skin. "When you take my hand, we will begin the process. Are you sure you're ready?"

"I'm sure."

I closed my eyes as I took their hand, feeling the warmth dancing around and feeling weightless.

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