science class; eric sohn

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sighing, you tried to entertain yourself during science class. your group had already finished the assigned lab for that day and there was simply nothing else to do. next to you, eric was jamming out. his headphones were obviously delivering a good playlist to him as he moved his head side to side, free-styling some choreography with his arms. realizing you were looking at him, he smiled and tapped one side of his headphone, non-verbally asking if you wanted to listen with him. you shook your head and pulled out a random notebook to doodle on.

eric was your best friend - you had only met that year in school and he was your seat mate. as the social butterfly he was, he quickly befriended you. though you two were basically opposites - him being an extroverted sweetheart and you, well, being more introverted - he was able to break the ice. talking to him always felt so comfortable and he could make jokes out of everything. everyday, you looked forward to spending more time with him to hear about his day or hear another ridiculous joke.

but, there was another reason you always wanted to come to this class. halfway through the semester, you realized you were growing to have feelings for eric. not wanting to ruin your precious friendship, you had always played off your feelings and did everything you could to keep your friendship going.

there were times of course you would remember how he would care for you or treat you in ways that stuck to your heart. one time, you were sick and had to miss class. your classmates sent videos of them teasing eric as he didn’t let anyone else sit next to him. his backpack stayed in your absent seat. he denied any special reason for his action and laughed it off, shifting the attention to another topic. remembering that made you smile to yourself.

suddenly, you heard your name being called. recognizing eric’s familiar voice you turned to him.

“you okay babe,” his head tilted to the side, like a confused puppy. whenever he called you ‘babe,’ it definitely did not help with your cloaked feelings. he called you it from time to time, especially when he was worried. you never really asked him why he called you that nor asked him to stop, so it was a comfortable term for him to call you. “i’ve been calling out to you for a while now and you were not responding, had me worried for a sec...”

“sorry, just lost in my thoughts, per usual.” you awkwardly laughed off. he could tell something was on your mind but chose not to pry. he knew you could tell him anything. instead, he took out his headphones again, gesturing for you to put one in. your hands briefly touched one another, sending a warm sensation throughout your body. once you put in his headphone, eric scrolled through his playlists, trying to pick the perfect one to cheer you up. finally, his thumb landed on one and he smiled to himself. clicking play, a familiar beat dances in your ears.

“i’ma tell you the truth / not like these girls on the loose / i’ll put up with you, babe…” the lyrics of baby powder by jenevieve started playing, making you smile. satisfied, eric raised the volume on his phone, swaying along with the beat. you followed his motions - heck, this was your favorite song. he had recommended it to you before and ever since, you had simply been in love (…with the song). it relaxed you a lot and made you feel well, the way eric made you feel.

this song always brought you to another world; you let yourself indulge and imagined slow dancing to it with eric. how he’d sway you side to side, humming along to the song in your ear. your head on his heart, the feeling making you melt. it may just be your imagination but a part of you wished it was a reality.

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