Chapter 27 Victor's POV

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Trying to call Stacey over and over again but she just ignores me.
"Fuck!" I shout out as I sit in my living room with my brother.
"What's wrong with you?" Kaleb asks me and I just sigh putting my head into my hands.
"Liam Johnson.. Who's that?" I ask him looking towards him. His face drops and his eyes go wide.
"Remember when Leon got fucked up at school" he says and I nod at him.
"Liam did that to him because of a girl called Stacey, Leon was interested but Liam wasn't having any of it. Something about sharing isn't for him" he tells me and I think of what Stacey told me earlier.
"Stacey who?" I ask him looking at him intently.
"Stacey Bloom am sure her name is, she's got a little sister I know that, Macey am sure it is" he says and I spring up.
"FUCK!!" I shout and begin to pace the room. I need to see her. Grabbing my phone I make my way to the front door and out to my car. I will find her somewhere.

Driving around the town centre I swear I can see her. I slowly creep towards her and roll down my window. As I approach I realise it was wishful thinking. Is it fuck her.
I continue driving and pull up putting my head on my steering wheel lost as to where she'd be.
"Are you stalking me now" I hear her voice and instantly look up to the window. My baby girl. Thank fuck.
"Get in. Both of you" I demand with no room for arguments. She just stares at me crossing her arms being stubborn.
"Stacey, I won't ask again" I tell her and she sighs getting in as Mia climbs into the back.
"I'll take you home Mia" I say staring at Stacey still.
"Aww thanks Victor" she says drunkenly and I pull off.

After dropping Mia off I make my way home and bring Stacey with me.
"I know who Liam is" I tell her and I see her pause for a moment then look at me slowly. I pull over and look at her.
"How dare you compare me to that" I tell her pissed. I'm nothing like him.
"You don't know what your talking about Victor" she says crossing her arms again being defensive.
I pull back off and I feel her staring at me.
"The past is the past. Can we just leave it there" she says fidgeting. She seems nervous all of a sudden why?
"What's wrong?" I ask her glancing back and fourth between her and the road.
"Nothing, where are you taking me?" she asks
"To my house. We need to talk" I just tell her and round the corner of my street.
"There's nothing to talk about Victor, I already get it. You don't want me. Why am I here?" she says and I grip the wheel tightly.
"For fuck sake Stacey. I like you. Yes. I want you, I'm just scared of being hurt OK" I say not looking at her but I can feel her eyes burning into me.
"You want me" she whispers and I sigh out.
"Of course I do. I wouldn't be here otherwise." I tell her looking at her as I park the car.
Climbing out I walk around and help her drunken self out and swoop her up into my arms carrying her inside.
"Kaleb, get me some water and paracetamol.. Now!" I call out and he comes rushing out to me.
"Who's.. Stacey?" he asks and I nod taking her into the living room.
Placing her down Kaleb hands me the pills and water and I place them into her hand.
"Take these baby girl" I tell her soothingly. She complies and looks around the room.
"Kaleb? Is that you?" she asks then giggles. She's well drunk.
"Yeah Stacey. It's me" he tells her and pats me on the shoulder.
"I'm gonna leave you bro. I'll see you dad's picking me up I called him" he says and I sigh. Of course he did. Fuck sake.
"Alright bro. I'll call you and we'll do this again" I tell him and he leaves.
"Shall we take you to bed baby?" I ask her and she shakes her head.
"Talk like you said" she tells me looking me in the eyes. She's not even going to remember this. I hope.
"Soooo..." she starts and pauses waiting for me.
"What did he do to make you be the way you are?" I ask her and she just shrugs.
"If I tell you everything you have to promise me you will not approach or talk to him he's dangerous Victor. Its in the past now" she tells me and I sigh wanting to rip his fucking head off. What did he do to her?
"Its not in the past otherwise you wouldn't be like this baby. Talk to me what can I do?" I ask her crouching down infront of her. She throws herself at me and I land on my ass holding her.
"He used me alot. Treated me like shit and dropped me. I loved him and he used that against me. And you say you don't want to get hurt Victor" she says quietly and I understand her completely.
"I don't want to hurt you baby" I tell her honestly and I hear her sniffle. Fuck she's crying..
"Then don't Victor. Your the first guy since Liam and he was my first" she says looking down wiping her eyes. What the fuck. He must of seriously done a number on her. That was two years ago.
"He did this to you and it's still affecting you. I wana rip his fucking face off" I grit angrily. She freezes and looks up at me.
"No you can't, please Victor he's not apart of this anymore, I just want you not him" she says crying again and I think she's sobering up. Good.
"He can't get away with what he's done to you, why should you still be the one suffering beautiful?" I ask her and she sighs.
"I've moved on from him seriously. I just don't want you to treat me that way that's why it's bought it all back" she tells me and wipes her eyes.
"OK baby, shall we go to bed now?" I ask her and she nods.
It's gonna be a long night. I won't be going to work tomorrow..

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