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I sit on the fence that separates the neighbouring house and ours. Nobody's lived there in years anyway. Nobody will care if I sit here.
I look around. I see a field of dandelions in the yard. And... A boy! Around my age! He was absolutely beautiful... Maybe I could make my first friend!!
I run over to him excitedly.
He flinches. I think I startled him...
"sorry... I didn't mean to startle you... I'm Gon, your neighbour. I was wondering if we could be friends..?"
He looks down at the clutch of dandelions in his hand. He looks back at me.
Did I do something wrong..?
He grabs my hand and places the dandelions in it. He nods. The brightest smiles fill his face and mine.
He goes back to picking dandelions and I get a better look at him.
His hair is silver and fluffy. It's a mess but it suits him really well. His skin is pale, like he hasn't been outside in years. But since his hair is white too, I think he might just be albino. His eyes are a deep ocean blue, just like sapphires. It's like I could just drown in those eyes... He wears a light blue sweater that seems too big for him. It's falling off one of his shoulders revealing his tiny boney figure. The sleeves are a little long too. You can barely see his hands. He's wearing dark blue shorts that reach just above his knees. He's so skinny, like he hasn't eaten in a long time. He looks fragile even. Like he'd break if I grabbed his arm too hard. He's so frail, just like a snowflake.
As he crouches barefoot looking at the dandelions, I get lost in his beauty. He's the most gorgeous person I've ever seen... A little girl comes out and runs to the boy.
"big brother, mother wants to speak with you."
He looks worried and he drops the dandelions. He runs inside.
"who are you?" I ask the girl.
"I'm Kalluto. Killua's younger brother."
He's a boy?! Didn't see that coming-
And his name is Killua? It suits him really well!
"and who are you?" he asks
"I'm Gon. Your neighbour and Killua's new friend!"
His eyes widen.
"big brother was able to make a friend? He's never been able to do that before."
So Killua's never had a friend either..?
"you guys are new here right? I've never seen you around. And why hasn't he made any friends?" I ask.
"yeah we're new. Just moved in today. And he's never made any friends cause he can't talk. And because everyone in our family is an assassin. Everyone actually bullied him for it. But it's not his fault. He doesn't wanna kill people. He wants to talk. He just wants to be normal. But our mother messed up all of those plans for him."
Poor killua... Wait...
"how did she mess up his ability to speak..?" I look at Kalluto.
"well uh... A few years ago he was training. Pain endurance. Mother had the brilliant idea to uh... Pour acid down his throat... He was in so much pain... He can speak if he really pushes himself but not much... And since mother makes him do that, his burnt vocal chords can't heal. Every time he speaks it takes a ton of energy out of him and his throat has an intense burning for the rest of the day..." he says.
"what... That's horrible... Poor Killua..."
Killua comes back out and heads over to the dandelions again.
"Killua! Welcome back!" I say happily. He smiles at me to let me know he heard me.
"what was that about?" kalluto asks.
Killuas eyes sadden and he starts speaking in a quiet raspy voice.
"Oh w-well sh-she-"
He gets cut off by kalluto covering his mouth.
"save your words. Sorry. I should have clarified. Do you have a notepad to write it on?"
He shakes his head. Despite his voice being so raspy, it still sounded so beautiful...
This boy somehow succeeded in captivating me with his magical existence. Everything about him is beautiful. I'm surprised there weren't more people who have been bewitched by his adorable charm. He's so pretty. Wouldn't anyone be mesmerized by this fascinating boy? I mean... He's perfect in every way. Who in their right mind would hurt someone like him? He almost doesn't seem real. It's almost like he's from a fairy tale...
I smile.
"oh well. I'll get the answer later. Nice meeting you gon." kalluto says as he heads inside.
"you too.."
Killua runs over to me and puts a dandelion in my hair. His mouth is wide open like he's laughing but nothing's coming out. Even if it's silent, he's still so cute...
I smile and hug him gently. He feels so small in my arms. I place my hand on his head and run my fingers through his hair. It was so soft... He hugs back, also trying to be gentle. He starts playing with my hair like he's copying me.
A feeling of overprotectiveness washes over me. At this moment I knew, I needed to protect this boy. I needed to make sure this small, innocent boy was safe at all times. And I'll do that. I have to save him from any and every danger that comes his way. He may be an assassin but he seems so pure and sweet.. I don't care if he has had to kill people. I don't care if I have to kill people to keep him safe. I will protect him. At all costs.

Authors note:

I accidentally made gon sound like a yandere- I SWEAR HE'S NOT HE JUST WANTS TO PROTECT KILLUA. Oooo I could totally take this story in that direction tho- NO. N O. THIS IS WHOLESOME STORY. NO YANDERES. THAT'S A PLOT FOR A DIFFERENT STORY I'LL BE DOING IN THE FUTURE.
ANYWAY... Enjoy this mostly wholesome story ✌️

- Kil

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