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"Gon wake up! Time for school!" I hear aunt Mito yell
"ok!" I yell back
I always hated school. Nobody really liked me there except for one girl named Retz. But if I'm being honest, she's getting annoying. Really annoying.
I get ready and I head out for school. Once I get there, I sit down in class.
"hey Gon! How was your weekend?" Retz asks
"oh it was great! I was able to-"
The teacher walks to the front of the room and I stop talking like everyone else.
"alright everyone. We have a new student today. Make sure to be nice to him. He's not quite like the rest of you guys." Mr Wing says.
I have a pretty good idea of who it is.
And sure enough, there he is. At the front of room. Killua.
"would you like to introduce yourself?" Wing asks
Killua looks at him with sad eyes.
"oh right, sorry Killua! Uh everyone, this is Killua. He can't speak."
Some people start whispering and Killua walks over to the teachers desk. He pulls out a pot of violets from behind his back and sets it down. The pot has a blue ribbon on it.
"are those for me?" wing asks.
Killua nods.
"oh, thank you Killua. You can sit beside Gon."
Killua scans the room and when he sees me his eyes light up.
"Gon could you raise your hand for Ki-"
Before he could finish his sentence, Killua runs over and hugs me with a smile.
He's the sweetest thing ever I swear to god...
"hey Killua! I didn't know you were coming to school!"
He nods.
"Gon you know him?" retz glares at him.
"mhm! He's my neighbour and friend!" I smile and Killua sits down in his desk.
"well that's good. Killua has a friend here." Wing says.
Class starts and eventually I can see that Killua's bored like me.
I think he fell asleep on his desk. He looks so peaceful...
I woke him up and as we were about to go to our next class, Retz pulled him out. I decided I'd wait here until he comes back, but Retz came without him.
"Where's Killua?" I start to worry.
"he went to the art room for his next class."
He doesn't have art next...
I walk out and head to the art room. I walk in and see Killua, covered in blood and staring at some flowers he brought to calm himself down.
I run over to him.
"Killua! What happened?!"
He gets out a notepad but before he can write anything, Retz walks in.
"I saw Eric hurting him."
Killua tugs my sleeve like he's trying to say something but I disregard it.
"what. I'll be back."
Killua looks at me with worrying eyes as I walk out to find Eric. I can trust Retz with him right?
I find Eric and walk over to him. Eric is a few years older than us and isn't in any of our classes.
"hey why did you do that to Killua." I demanded answers.
"huh? Who's Killua?" he asked.
"what do you mean? He's the boy with the white hair that you hurt?" I glare at him.
"look man I've seen him around but I haven't even talked to the guy. I may be mean but I don't hurt people that didn't do anything wrong."
Then who did..? Retz was the last one with him so she must've seen-..... Shit. That's what he was trying to tell me...
I start walking back to the art room. I walk in and catch Retz's arm before she can continue beating him.
"oh H-hey gon..." a guilty smile is painted on her face.
"don't 'oh hey gon' me. Get out of my sight Retz. And if you ever lay a finger on him again I'll kill you." my voice is cold. I really do hate her.
I glare at her as she runs out. I turn to Killua and hug him.
"sorry I didn't listen Killua..."
He pushes me away and writes something down.
"I don't wanna bleed on you." is what it says.
He really is the sweetest person ever...
I hug him again.
"I don't care."
He hugs back.
"wanna stay at my place tonight?" I smile.
He nods excitedly and we decide to head to my place. We walk in and aunt mito walks in the room.
"Welcome home Gon!" she looks at Killua.
"who's this?" she asks.
"His name is Killua. He's our new neighbour." I smile. She notices his injuries.
"oh goodness, Killua are you alright?! What happened to you?!"
"Retz wasn't the nicest to him..." I mutter
"I always knew that girl was trouble..- come in you two. I'll make some dinner."
He nods and waits for me to go in first. I go in and he follows.
He seems so small and fragile, I'm surprised Retz didn't break him...
"Aunt Mito I'm gonna take care of Killua's injuries."
I tug his sleeve and he follows me to the bathroom where we keep the medical stuff. I take out the first aid kit and take care of his injuries. We head back out and aunt Mito puts a plate in front of me and before she can do the same for Killua, he waves his hands to stop her.
"not hungry?" I ask.
He nods after a second. He really had to think about that huh?
"I don't buy it. You're gonna eat Killua. You look like you haven't eaten in days." I say.
His eyes widen and he starts looking around for a way out of it. Aunt Mito places a plate in front of him and he let's out a silent sigh as he accepts his fate.
After eating we hang out for a while. It eventually gets dark and he just lays on the floor and falls asleep.
I can't just let him sleep on the floor...
I pick him up and set him on the bed. He's so light... I turn off the lights and lay down beside him. He looks so cute and fragile even while sleeping...
"Goodnight Killua..." I smile gently and fall asleep.

Authors note:

I'm gonna be honest. .........

But I think it turned out somewhat ok-
ANYWAYYYYY next chapter should be out soon. Stay tuned. :')

- Kil

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