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•Louis Partridge•

                                 Sick                       •Louis Partridge•

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Y/n's POV

My eyes flutter open, I try to turn over but everything hurts and I feel horrible.

My eyes dart towards the clock on my bed side table, it read 4:03 AM.

Suddenly I feel nauseous, and I run into the bathroom turning on the light, not even having time to close the door.

Not even a minute later I feel someone hold my hair back.

"Are you okay, love?m" I hear Louis ask in his orning voice, clearly tired.

I look back to see a shirtless Louis with his messy hair and sleepy eyes with a worried look on his face.

"Ya, I'm okay, I'm sorry I woke you up Lou," I say.

"Hey don't apologize," he says cupping my face.

Then the feeling comes over me again and I lean over to the toilet once again, Louis holding my hair up with one and and rubbing my back with his other.

When I'm finally done I lean back into Louis's embrace.

"You're burning up," he says putting a hand up to my forehead, all I could do was groan in a response.

We just stay like that for about 20 minutes, and now I was feeling even worse.

"U ready to go back to the bed?," He whispers softly, I nodd into his chest.

"Okay, come on princess" he says helping me up carefully.

Once I was in the bed Louis asks, "Do you need anything?".

"Can I have some water please," I ask.

"Of coarse," he says kissing my forehead before going to the kitchen.

He came back A few minutes later with 2 cups of water, one for me and one for himself.

"Thankyou Lou," I say as he hands me the glass. He smiles before climbing onto our bed next to me.

It's only about 15 minutes later that we're both snuggled up together fast asleep.

Time skip

I wake up once again to rustling on the other side of the bed, I open my eyes and see my clock, it's now 6:00 AM.

I turn over and see Louis getting up and walking into our closet. "Lou?" I ask, as soon as I ask he rushes out of the closet.

"Ya, love?," He asks.

"What are you doing?," I ask.

"I have a couple interviews today, remember?," He asks me.

"Oh ya, sorry I forgot," I say sitting up.

He comes over and sits on the edge of our bed and took hold of my hand.

"Do you need anything?," he asks.

"I think I'm ok, thankyou though," I reply, rustling his hair which makes him smile before getting up and going back into the closet.

A few minutes later Louis comes out of our closet looking stunning and starts to get his things together, obviously trying to be as quiet as he can thinking I'm asleep.

He drops his phone, "Oh no, shut up Louis," he says to himself, this makes me giggle.

"I'm not asleep Loum" I say, he immediately looks at me and laughs.

"You look amazing though," I say.

"Why thankyou, so do you," he says this makes me laugh.

"I'm sick, and I look awful right now," I say.

"Still beautiful," he says smiling, which causes me too smile even more.


"Just telling you the truth," he says as comes over and kisses my forehead.

"Do you need anything before I leave?," He asks.

"I don't think so".

"Ok I love you," he says.

"I love u to Lou," I say as he walks out of our bedroom.

About 6 hours later

My eyes flutter open, and I realize I must have fallen asleep again.

"Lou?," I call out to see it he's home yet, but no answer.

I look over to my clock to read the time it says 1:35 PM, Lou had been gone for a few hours and should be home anytime.

Suddenly I get that feeling again and before I know it I'm rushing to the bathroom again.

A couple minutes later I hear the door to our apartment open, Louis, I think to myself,

I hear him walk into our room, "Babe?," He asks wondering where I am.

"I'm in here".

He immediately comes rushing into the bathroom, kneeling by me frowning.

"Are you okay?," He asks which causes me too nod.

"Has it been like this for long?".

"No, just a few minutes," I say leaning against the bathroom wall.

"Will you be ok for a second while I get changed?," He asks.

I nod and he kisses my forehead before standing up, "I'll be right back," he says walking out of our restroom.

It doesn't take long after he leaves to get changed that your leaning over the toilet once again.

Louis must have heard because it takes less than 2 minutes (he had to finish getting changed he not just gonna walk out naked people) for him to be by your side rubbing your back with one hand and holding your hair back with another once again.

When I finally finish there are tears in my eyes. I wasn't looking for attention but everything hurt and I felt awful.

I tried to wipe them away before Louis could see, but it was to late.

"Y/n?," He asks, "Hey, hey, hey, come here," he says pulling you into his embrace, you just let the tears flow.

"Sshh it's ok, just let it out," he says rubbing your back.

After a few minutes you had calmed down, you were still cuddled into Louis. He was running his fingers through your hair.

"Do you wanna go cuddle on our bed?," He whispers, looking down at me.

I nod into his chest and whisper, "Yes please".

He helps me to our bed. Laying down next to me and pulling me into him once again.

"How were you're interviews".

"Surprisingly good actually, just a whole lot of questions," he says causing me to giggle.

Within an hour you two were both asleep.

It takes a few days but you get better, and Louis was with you through all of it.


Rewritten on: February 16, 2022

Word Count: 1033

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