moving day

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Phoenix: I'm so excited to move in with my brother Jesse or as his fans call him jester the 3 am YouTuber everyone loves
Mom: "Phoenix come on were gonna miss our flight"
Phoenix: "coming mama"
*after flight*
Jesse: "Ok guys so my sister phoenix is coming to stay with us for summer break"
Nick: "ok"
Michelle: "nice
A/N Michelle is what jester graphnix itzduhmorgan call him. His real name is Michael orekhov and his best friends name is also Michael
Michael: " alright
*a few hours later*
(Knock knock knock knock knock)
Jesse: "hey phoenix I missed you"
Phoenix: "I missed you to jess"
Jesse: "come meet the boys"
Phoenix: "ok"
Jesse: " okay so that is nick
Nick: "hey phoenix"
Jesse: "that is Michael
Michael: " hi phoenix
Jesse: " and that is Michelle
Phoenix: "hi"
Nick: "who's hungry"
Phoenix: "I am"
Jesse: "me to"
Nick: "ok let's eat
*after dinner*
Jesse: "okay phoenix its time to discuss the rules"
phoenix: "kk"
nick: "rule number 1 is no fighting"
nick: "rule number 2 is no cussing"
nick: "rule number 3 is no back talk"
nick: "rule number 4 is be responsible"
nick: "rule number 5 is be respectful"
nick: "rule number 6 is whenever you are getting punished you will say adress us as sir"
*5 minutes later*
michelle: "you got all that"
phoenix: "yup
Micheal: "good"
phoenix: "I know im gonna regret asking this but i'm gonna do it anyway, what happens if I break the rules"
jesse: "the consequences are groundings, spankings or privillage loss"
phoenix: "wait what spankings, you cannot be serious"
nick: "he is"
micheal: "don't worry you only get a spanking if you break one of the rules"
phoenix: "ok'

*the next day*
Jesse: "wake up phoenix"
Phoenix: "no f**k off"
Jesse: I rip the covers off of her and land five spanks to her bum
Phoenix: "OW JESSE!"
Jesse: "don't swear at me"
Phoenix: "i'm sorry I was just mad that you woke me up"
Jesse: "its ok baby sis"
Nick: "Hey phoenix"
Phoenix: "hey"
Nick: "how are you"
Phoenix: "not so good, Jesse spanked me"
Nick: "what did you do"
Phoenix: "I uh.. I"
Jesse: "she refused to get up and then she swore at me"
Nick: "im gonna let you off with a warning, but next time this happens you will get a spanking, understand me"
Phoenix: "yes sir"
Nick: "good"
Jesse: "now go get ready for school, you are going to candlewood middle school"
Phoenix: "ok Jess"
*at school*
Mr. Cornadova" hi welcome phoenix"
Phoenix: "hi
Mr. Cornadova: "im Mr. Cornadova"
Phoenix: "its nice to meet you"
Mr. Cornadova: "lets get you to class ok"
Phoenix: "ok"
Mrs. Lee: "ok class so were gonna start off by divid-"
Mr. Cornadova: "hi sorry to interrupt but I have your new student here"
Mrs. Lee: "oh good come on in and introduce yourself"
Phoenix: "ok"
Phoenix: "Hi my name is Phoenix and I'm from massachusetts"
Mrs. Lee: "ooo is massachusetts nice"
Phoenix: "yea it is, when its winter the lake near my house freezes and me and my family go ice skating"
Mrs. Lee: "oo that sounds like it was really fun"
Phoenix: "it was"
Mrs. Lee: "ok Phoenix why don't you take a seat next to Jake"
Phoenix: "Ok"
Mrs. Lee: "ok so as I was saying before, were gonna start off by dividing fractions, so everyone take out your math books and turn to page 45"
*after school*
Jesse: "hey Phoenix, how was your first day"
Phoenix: "good"
Jesse: "im so proud of you"
*8 hours later*
Jesse: "good night Phoenix"
Phoenix: "night jesse"

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