1; cuz blue's your favorite color

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chapter written by star

Dream knew that he had feelings for George, and he'd known that for a while, but even he could tell that he was screwing himself over. The idea came to him during a late night call with George, him speaking softly about how cold it was in his apartment.

"I could give you one of mine?"

"One of your what?" George giggled, messing with his bangs. George got giggly and loopy at night, and it never failed to make Dream's heart ache. Or to make him check prices on plane tickets for the hundredth time that week.

"One of my hoodies. So you won't be cold anymore?" George was silent, but because Dream has no sense of self preservation, he dug his grave even deeper.

"Plus I'll get to see how small you are. You won't be cold, I get to laugh, I don't see anything wrong here." Dream tried not to think about how much it'd hurt to not be able to hand it to him. Or hug him afterwards. He also wanted to kiss George, but he'd never tell anyone that.

"Okay. Send me one then." Dream wanted to pass out right then and there. He expected to be told to shut up, or be laughed at, but he wasn't. This had to be bad for his heart, but he'd do anything if it was for George.

Neither of them mentioned the fact that George's closet was filled with jackets.


As Dream stood in front of a box, hoodie in hand, he wondered if it was his fault. It definitely was. He knew that he was going to send it, he told George he would, but even standing in front of the box was hard. He couldn't send him just any hoodie in his closet, it had to be this one.

The hoodie was one he had for a long time. He had bought it himself around the time he and George started getting closer, even picking out the dark blue because George had told him to.

"Get it in blue, it's my favorite color." George had laughed, making Dream a little queasy.

"All the other colors look like piss, I'd hope it'd be your favorite color." Seeing George's smile was all he needed to click off of the little green square, and onto the blue one instead.

When he got the package in the mail, the first thing he did was send him a neck down photo of the jacket. George had sent him a heart in response. Dream didn't stop to question why the heart felt different than the one Sapnap had sent him earlier that day, because ignoring it was easier. When he tried to think about it or the way his smile made him feel, he felt sick. So he didn't think about it. It was better that way.

For so long, that feeling was part of George. It wasn't bad, but it was definitely different. In an almost sick way, he craved the feeling. Of being around George, of making him happy, but he never let himself enjoy it. He had a policy. Whenever it appeared, he'd let himself enjoy it for a minute. Afterwards, he would push George out of the equation, and instead he'd be happy to make his friend happy.

He knew something was different about him, but it was like that with everyone. There was something about George that drew people to him, that compelled people to love him. It wasn't rare to get a call about an extra chicken nugget, or a mountain of whip cream on his coffee. Whatever it was that made people adore him, it hit Dream harder than anyone else.

Dream didn't consider letting the feeling stay, or trying to figure what it was, for a long time. The first time he did was a regular day, and he was alone with George.

"Dream, it's time." George laughed like a maniac, holding his stomach and struggling to breathe.

"For what?" His phone buzzed three times, which meant that it was a text from George. He clicked on the notification, and was greeted with a picture of a cow.

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