+ 1; sapnap decided

7 0 0

chapter written by donut

The next day, Sapnap woke up earlier than both Dream and George. The atmosphere in the house was tranquill, as if somehow the world knew that today was going to be a day of peace, that something had shifted in the way the air flowed through the house, that it had to appeal to the calm after the storm.

Sapnap didn't mind, he decided as he poured himself some cereal. It was a nice change of pace-- while it was amazing to have friends that were able to keep up with his level of chaos, it was also nice to bask in the feeling of summer silence. Occasionally, he heard cars drive by, or birds sing, or crickets chirp, but as he sat in the slightly air conditioned kitchen, he was able to feel a sense of serenity that he'd been missing for a while.

Sun peaked in through the windows, illuminating the room with natural light. Absent-mindedly, Sapnap thought it looked quite pretty.

"Good morning," a voice behind him said.

Sapnap let out a sigh and turned around to find George navigating the kitchen for his beloved apple juice and some food to start the morning off with. Sapnap raised an eyebrow at the hoodie (that was very much Dream's) that adorned his body. Dream had mentioned that his hoodies had been going missing throughout the day, and Sapnap had a pretty good guess as to where they'd gone.

"You look awfully comfortable in that hoodie," he mused, stirring the cheerios in his milk around to keep his hands occupied.

A pretty shade of pink coated George's cheekbones, and Sapnap smirked at the sight. He didn't look ashamed or shy, though, just mildly caught off guard. Before he knew it, a dopey, lovesick smile had spread across his face. Sapnap wanted to gag, just to tease his friend a little.

"It is," he sighed contentedly, "It really, really is."

Sapnap laughed. "I'm sure."

A few minutes later, Dream came down from his room, yawning excessively loudly. The same giddy grin appeared on George's face as he turned to face the blond, eyes shining with love and adoration.

"G'morning Sap," Dream greeted, giving a half hearted wave in his direction before turning towards George, "Good morning, George." The words were spoken so softly that once again, not for the first time during the entirety of George's visit, Sapnap felt like he was intruding.

"Hi, Dream," George replied, his voice coated with honeyed affection, words twisting with one another in a sweet way, dripping with molasses. Dream smiled, giving George a side-hug as he side-stepped him to get to the cabinets to grab a cup.

Well. That was new.

Sapnap raised an eyebrow at the exchange before taking another bite from his cereal. He hummed a little tune before looking between his two friends. "Today is a good day, isn't it?"

Dream turned to look at him quizzically before reading the unspoken question Sapnap had asked in his gaze. He smiled, glancing at George with a soft smile. "It is."

No more words needed to be said.


Sapnap: guess whos an OFFICIAL third wheel

Karl: they dont give out certificates for that sort of thing sap

Sapnap: no im an OFFICIAL third wheel

Karl: thats not a thing?????

Quackity: hold on karl i think i see what hes getting at

Sapnap: see karl you should be more like quackity

Quackity: everyone should be like me. if everyone was like me the world would be fixed

Karl: ...

An Influx of Dream Hoodies (DNF)Where stories live. Discover now