Part 4

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~Y/n's~ .POV.
It was a few days after I had talked to shinsou that night we new a lot about eachother and now I was laying on the roof watching the sunset as I sipped my coffee. I already knew I wasn't sleeping tonight so I might as well enjoy the fresh cold air for the night. A few hours past and I'm 5 energy drinks in and the roof door opens, 'hey' says a familiar voice 'yellow~' I reply happily swishing my tail side to side 'how are you?' I asked 'tired' he looked over to me and proceeded to yawn 'I can see that, come sit with me and enjoy the night sky'

~time skip brought to you by the bakugo simps~

'Hey shinsou?' I asked with a bit of hesitation
'Yea?'.....'well I was wondering if I could see your quirk in action. Is that ok? I don't mind you using it on me' I asked wondering his reply
'What...' he seemed shocked at my question' why would you- don't you think my quirk is villainous??' He said is a sad tone of voice
'No quirk is bad, any quirk could be used for good as well as evil.' He seemed happy with my reply 'ok then what's your favourite animal?'he asked 'my favourite anime is-' everything went black and blurry I could feel my body moving but I couldn't control it or even see clearly...then everything stopped and I could see again ' wow that was so cool!!' I exclaimed 'shinsou that was amazing how could you think that your quirk is harmful it's so useful for many things' I ran up to him

~Shinsou's~ .POV.

Y/n came running up to me after I made her walk around the roof towards to door . She really likes my quirk...' yea but that's not how other people see it..' I said sadly 'what do you mean?' They asked ' I used to get bullied and made fun of for my quirk so it never really helped my self image' just then I felt something hugging my torso...y/n stood there hugging me I could see she was happy as her tail gave it away...

Sorry for such a short chapter but it's like 10:03 at night rn and boy am I tired
Thank you for #15th of best Shinsouxreader btw it means so much... Cya tomorrow love author~chan <3

(Word count: 409)

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