Chapter 6

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Lauren POV

"OH MY GOSH! MY EYES!" Ally screamed, Harry covering her eyes, grinning.

"What?" I asked giving Louis one last kiss.

"I WITH FOREVER HAVE A SCAR IN MY MEMORY!" Ally put her bag down.

"Its only 3:30 why are you home?" I asked getting off the subject.

"Because I can." She answered, heading toward the kitchen.

"We never cleaned up our mess." Louis whispered.

"OH MY GOSH WHAT HAPPENED?" Ally screamed as Harry took a seat next to us.

"What did you do?" Harry asked.

"Well we kissed. Nothing more." Louis said.

Harry faceplamed, "I meant in the kitchen."

"We were makinng muffins... We had a muffin batter fight." I explained.

"Lauren," Ally came out of the kitchen, "You've gotta clean this."

"I know. Lou and I will when you and Harry have your date." I looked over at Louis.

"Totally." Louis added.

"I hope.. OH MY GOSH!" Ally screamed again.

"What?"I groaned.

"I have to get ready for the date!" She ran a hand through her hair.

"We're leaving at 5:30." Harry smiled, from that gesture she relaxed.

"That's two hours Harry." She curled up next to him.

"So throw your hair up in a pony tail and put on shorts and a tee-shirt! I don't care what you wear as long as I'm with you." He said. She smiled at him, kissed his forehead, then headed to her room.

"I'll take that as an okay." Harry laughed.

"Yeah," I said to Harry then turned to Louis, "So what are we doing?"

"Cleaning." He pointed to the kitchen.

"That won't take long. How about a movie?"

"Yeah. What movie?"

"Pitch Perfect!" I got up and grabbed the purple DVD case.

"Haven't you seen it like a million times?" Harry asked.

"Yes but it is funny curly." I said getting up and heading toward the kitchen.

My phone started buzzing, caller I.D. said it was Liam.

"Hellloo." I said grabbing vitamin water.

"Hey. What are you and Louis doing tonight?" He asked.

"Cleaning our mess up then watching Pitch Perfect. Why?" I asked.

"Niall, Dani, and I are going Go-Carting at that fun place thingy an hour from our flats. Do you wanna come?" He asked.

"Let me just ask Louis." I walked into the living room where Harry and Louis were wrestling on the floor.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"Harry said I couldn't beat him in wrestling. I just proved him wrong." Louis smiled.

I shook my head, "Do you want to go to that fun place thingy an hour away from your flats? Dani, Niall, and Liam are going."

"What about Zayn?" Louis asked.

"Let me ask." I pressed the phone against my ear.

"Liam what about Zayn?" I asked eyeing Louis as he watched me intently.

"He's out with Perrie. They're on a date." Liam answered.

"He's on a date with Perrie, Louis." I said to Louis.

"Okay. We will go then." Louis smiled.

"We'll go. What time should we meet up at the flats?" I asked.

"Six or seven."

"Okay. Well I've got to clean. Bye Liam!"

"Bye Lauren!" He hung up the phone.

"Be ready by six or seven." I told Louis, sitting next to him.

"Okay." He said as Ally came down the stairs in tye dyed purple shorts with a studded pocket, a white tank top, and my black vans. She put her blonde hair into a side braid. Her pink sunglasses rested on the top of her head.

"MY VANS!" I pointed to her feet.

"MY NEON COLORED CONVERSE are in your room not mine. I know you've wore them without giving them back. I'll give them back after tonight." She jumped the last step, her glasses falling on the floor.

I laughed, "Okay! I'll give them back tomorrow."

"Tomorrow?" She sat next to Harry.;

"Yeah. I'm wearing them tonight." I smiled evilly, she laughed laying her head on Harry's shoulder.

"Whatever. Harry where are we going?" She asked.

"Surprise but you'll love it." He kissed the top of her head.

"Ugh. Surprises." Ally groaned.

"You'll like it. Believe me." I said curling up next to Louis.


"On that note we have to leave. Lets go love." Harry stood up with Ally, intertwining their hands.

"Bye guys!" They said in unison.

"Bye. Be safe!" We called at them.

"We will." They said closing the door behind them.

"We've got to clean." I groaned.

"But I just wanna kiss you!" Louis kissed my cheek.

"We've gotta clean though, then we get to have some fun!" I jumped up.

"That sounds dirty." Louis laughed.

"Not like that!" I shouted to him.

"You know you meant it like that." He winked at me.

I shook my head at him and laughed, grabbing the mop from the closet.

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