Jason x Reader !Fluff

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{Jason POV}

Y/N was sleeping and I was bored so, being me, I went to go kill something. As I was walking in the woods to find an animal since no one ever came here anymore, I saw this group of [fav flower]. 'Y/N likes these right, eh I'll get the [f/f] anyways'. So I grabbed as many as I could (which was about ten or so, since there wasn't that many) and headed back to the cabin. I didn't get to kill an animal, but Y/N's joy will make me happier than killing something. I quietly opened the door so I didn't wake them up, luckily they were still asleep. I placed the flowers on the table with a note saying 'for you :D' then I layed down beside them to make it look like I was here the entire time. 20 minutes have passed and Y/N opened her eyes just a little so her eyes could adjust to the light.


I woke up in Jason's arms which wasn't that common, usually it meant he wanted cuddles or he had a bad night. I looked up at his face and he was already awake due to him looking at the table. I follow his eyes and see the [f/f] on the table. 'Did Jason get me flowers? Thats so sweet.' I thought to myself. I got up from the bed and I heard Jason's footsteps follow me. I saw a note next to the flowers saying 'for you :D' I looked back at Jason who was looking away not wanting to make eye contact. I turned around and kissed the side of his mask and I watched his eyes widen, he then picked me up in a hug and took me to the bed. He laid me down then laid down facing me with his arm around my waist. "I love you Jason," was all I had to say and he was happier than I've ever seen him before. So the majority of the rest of the day was like normal except he was more clingy and cuddly. It was adorable to be honest.

This was my first time writing fluff so it might suck. I tried tbh. If you want any other character or event just comment it and I'll try to write it.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2021 ⏰

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