A wish that could change everything...

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That night, I lay on the stage, my eyes slowly closing, my head filled with pictures of what it would be like to be in love.
I shifted my position and shut down for the night.
At about 7:00a.m., I opened my eyes to Toy Freddy standing over me.
I shot up, and gave him a questioning stare.
"Erm, It's Sunday...the Pizzeria is closed. The day guard couldn't have powered you on today." He reasoned.
I nodded. "Oh, thanks."
I got up and began to walk off.
"Wait!" Toy Freddy exclaimed from behind me.
I turned around to face him.
"Yes?" I answered.
He hesitated akwardly.
"Um, well, it's been exactly eighteen years today since you were created...did you know that?"
I shook my head. "No, I had no idea. That's nice to know."
Toy Freddy nodded.
"Yeah, and I was just wondering...maybe we could do something today. You know, like the humans do it. I think they call it a birthday? It's a big deal I think."
I smiled slightly.
"Sure, Fred, that would be fun."
He beamed. "Ok, great, I'll set up in party room #2. Don't come in, It's gonna be a surprise."
I agreed and exited the room, though before I turned around I thought I saw him do a little happy dance.
An hour later, I was still waiting for Toy Freddy to get the room ready.
After sitting for a while, I noticed I should probably change into something else.
I had never worn anything besides the outfit I was created in, but it just felt right.
I dug through the lost and found near the door to the kitchen until I pulled out a short blue floral dress. It was beautiful, and I hoped with all hopes that it would fit.
A few minutes later, I had tried it on and was bubbling over with excitement that it did fit, and I could wear it for whatever Toy Freddy had planned.
Suddenly, there was a knock on the door.
I walked over and opened it to see Toy Freddy.
He smiled, noticing my dress.
"The surprise is ready,"

Toy Freddy pulled me down the hall towards the party room.
"Here we go..." He said as we stepped inside.
The second we entered, I gasped with excitement.
There was a T.V. set up in the far corner, and a movie case was placed next to it with a man and a woman on the cover. The man clung to her waist as she held her arms out against the wind.
The word TITANIC was printed at the top.
Little shapes were hung around the room too.
I turned to Toy Freddy.
"What are those shapes?" I asked him.
He blushed a little, but I payed no mind to that.
"Erm," He stuttered. "They're hearts. Y-you wanted to learn more about love, so I researched it. A lot. Hearts symbolize love."
I nodded.
I looked over at the tables, where Toy Cupcake, my little companion who was created for me, was placed in the center of a large heart made of roses.
This was so nice of Fred! I appreciated him trying to help.
I walked over to the T.V. and picked up the movie.
"What's this?"
"It's a romance movie I found in the back room. Thought you might like it."
I was ecstatic! My first movie ever and I'd finally be able to see what love is really like!
"Oh, thankyouthankyouthankyou!"
I absentmindedly wrapped my arms around him.
"You're the best!" I exclaimed gleefully.
And I meant it. I couldn't have asked for a better friend.
Three hours later, As the movie came to an end, I was so happy I got to see it.
It was beautiful.
"Did you like it?" Freddy asked.
I nodded.
"Yes, I liked it very much. Thank you so much Fred."
What he didn't know is that watching it really only made me long to be human so much more.
Toy Freddy beamed and picked up Toy Cupcake.
"Another Human tradition," He explained. "make a wish."
I paused for a second, then leaned closer to Toy Cupcake.
I wish...I wish that I could be human for a day, I thought.
so I could know what love feels like.
Then I quickly blew out the candle.
The rest of the day passed by in a blur.
The other animatronics found out it was my "Birthday" and they all wanted to do something special. It was a day full of fun and friends, but it had to end sooner or later.
Soon it was 3:ooa.m. and we had already gotten rid of the night guard, so it was time to shut down.
"Goodnight guys!" I yelled from Party room #2. Everyone else was out on stage, but I needed extra comfort tonight.
I curled up on the ground and shut down.
Yip! Yip!
I slowly opened my eyes to see a small dog barking at me.
I scrambled up and pushed myself against the wall, terrified.
I paused for a moment. Something seemed familiar about this dog...but what?
Suddenly, I jumped away from the wall. The metal burned my skin as a result of the sun shining through the window onto it.
The weird thing is, I wasn't supposed to feel. Or have skin...My eyes widened as I realized what could be happening.
I ran to the bathroom, looked in the mirror, and screamed.
Shoulder length yellow-blond hair cascaded around my face and shoulders, and long black lashes grew out of my beautiful teal eyes.
I was...human.
Aaaaand now I knew who the dog was.
"Toy Cupcake?!" I exclaimed, lifting her off the ground and staring into her eyes.
Yep, it was Cupcake.
I stroked her shaggy white fur and took another look in the mirror. I was wearing a cropped top with my motto, Lets Party!, printed on it and a short, hot pink pleated skirt.
Everything felt so weird!
Instead of mechanical hands and ball joints everywhere, I just bent anywhere I wanted...no joints at all! I had slender, feminine fingers with too-long-for-my-liking pink nails, long legs, and wide hips.
I was scared, but excited at the same time.
This was my chance! I could finally be in love and not have to worry about being "Incapable."
I beamed at Cupcake.
"I've got the chance I asked for, Girl! Now let's not stand around wasting it!"
I ran out into the halls with Cupcake still in my arms.
Once I stepped into the main room I froze. What time was it? I looked around, my gaze stopping when it got to the stage.
I let out a sigh of relief when I saw that my friends were still in sleep mode. the guard must not have gotten here yet, which meant that it was only 6:00a.m. or earlier. I had plenty of time to make the most of this day.
The first few minutes outside, I was so unfamiliar with everything around me. The cars streaked past, almost hitting me, and the birds flew by, their wings flapping violently. I was also COLD. The sun was shining, but the crisp morning air was not yet gone. My hair was whipped into my face by the retreating wind, and the air around me smelled so polluted! I could feel small, skin-colored bumps forming on my arms and legs.
I was left wishing I could stay within the warmth of the Pizzeria, but there was no way I was turning back now.
I had heard William(the owner of Freddy's) talk about Sander's Café across the street many a time.
I decided I may as well go there.
The second I opened the door, I was bombarded with voices. I guess a lot of people loved this place.
"H-Hi," I muttered to the woman working the counter.
"Hello," she answered cheerily. "Welcome to Sander's. What can I get for you?"
I paused. I'd never eaten anything due to, well, me being a robot...but I decided I should probably try something.
"Um, w-what do you...recommend?" I wondered, uncertain.
"Well, the hazelnut latte is one of the favorites, and the caramel mocha is another popular item. Do either of those interest you?"
I paused, not knowing what either of those were.
"She'll have the vanilla latte," a female voice cut in.
I looked behind me. A girl, around my age, with waist-length curly jet black hair, brown almond-shaped eyes, and olive skin stood there, smiling warmly.
"Trust me, girl, this is what you want." She insisted.
I just nodded.
The barista bobbed her head in agreement.
"Good choice; your drink will be ready in a moment."
I thanked her and let the other customers order.
"Hi," the girl said to me. "I'm Amy."
She jutted her hand out towards me, and I shook it.
"I'm...I'm Cassie," I answered, using the first name that popped into my head.
The girl-Amy-grinned.
"Cool name, and if you don't like the drink it's on the house."
"O-On the house?" I didn't know what that meant.
"Free-I'll pay."
"Oh. That's nice."
She shrugged.
"By the way, I love your cosplay! Toy Chica was always my favorite when I was around six."
Wait, how did she know?
"What is cosplay?" I wondered.
"Dressing up as someone from a show, or as a kind of mascot. I personally love anime."
Oh, I thought. She thinks I'm dressed up as Toy Chica.
It made sense because I was wearing my motto and colors.
"Here you are," The barista said as she passed me my drink over the counter.
"Thank you," I said, taking the cup and staring at it, not knowing what to do next.
Amy gazed in bewilderment.
"What? Just try it!" she exclaimed.
I bit my lip, wondering if I should even ask.
I surveyed the room, watching other people sipping their drinks until I knew how I was supposed to do it.
I leaned over and sucked through the straw.
My eyes widened.
"This is amazing!" I informed Amy.
She beamed.
"I knew you'd like it!"
I set my coffee on the counter, as I was suddenly reminded why I was even human in the first place. I couldn't wait a precious second.
"Amy, I have to go!" I exclaimed and sprinted out of the café.

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