Chapter 5

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Again anything italicized is sign language and anything bolded is written down.

CRASH! That is the sound I wake up to the next morning at 6:45am. I leap out of bed and down the stairs and run into the kitchen to see my dad in the middle of a pile of pots and pans and my mum comes running in after me.

'"Benji? What the hell happened in here?" Mum says looking concerned. My dad goes red in the face.

"Nothing Jess, just making breakfast." My eyes go wide because my dad isn't known for making the best food.

"Maybe let Mum handle breakfast Dad." I sign at him with wide eyes. My dad playfully narrows his eyes at me.

"Don't you have a date to get ready for missy?" I feel a large smile creep across my face as I turn on my heel and take the stairs two at a time. I quickly jump into the shower and get ready. I smile at myself as I straighten my light purple tank top and check over my outfit to make sure everything matches. My dark blue jeans match perfectly with my tank top and my black and white high top converses. I tighten my honey blonde hair in the ponytail and grab my dark blue jean jacket and my light purple purse which has some money in it for the amusement park. I quickly head down the stairs to eat breakfast before Fred gets here. My parents both smile as I enter.

"You look beautiful sweetheart. Doesn't she Benji?" Mum says smiling.

"Just wonderfully beautiful Jess." I roll my eyes as I eat my breakfast. At precisely eight, we hear what sounds to be a car backfiring and then a knock on the door. I jump up and run to the door to see Fred standing there with a boy with teal coloured hair. I wave smiling brightly.

"Eliza!" Fred says excited as he hugs me.

"This is my cousin Teddy. Teddy this is my friend Eliza." I smile and wave.

"Nice to meet you Eliza. Freddie has done nothing but talk about you since he got home from Hogwarts so it is nice to put a name to a face." Fred blushes.

"Okay you can go now Edward." Teddy chuckles before pulling out his wand and wave causing him to disappear with a pop. My confusion must have shown on my face.

"He just appearated. Our way of transportation." I nod my head and then pull him inside.

"My parents insisted on meeting you first before we go so come on." He follows me to living room where my parents are sitting.

"Mum, Dad this is my friend Fred. Freddie these are my parents Benjamin and Jessica Huntly."

"It's so great to meet you Mr and Mrs. Huntly." Freddie says smiling at my parents.

"You as well Fred." Mum says but Dad has to embarrass me.

"What are your intentions with my daughter?" I feel my face heat up with embarrassment. Mum lightly smacks his arm.


"Honestly sir, I just want to make Eliza feel happy and comfortable." Fred says earning a nod of respect from my dad.

"Very well. Have enough money for the park darling?" I nod my head wanting to get out of here as fast as I can.

"Go on then dears. Have fun." Mum says and Fred and I exit the house.

"I am so sorry Fred. If I had known that my dad was going to do that, I would told him that it wasn't necessary." Fred softly laughs.

"It's fine Eliza. Now this amusement park, have you ever been?"

"To this one? No. But I have gone to one in the past with my parents. They are a lot of fun." He smiles and nods his head. I decided to throw caution into the wind and I nervously grab a hold of his hand. He smiles down at me and we continue walking. The park is just opening when we get there. I quickly pay for the ticket causing Fred to jokingly make a fuss about me not letting him pay. We go on lots of different rides and soon Fred stomach is trying to eat itself from the inside. Fred and I argue for a bit who is going to pay for lunch. Fred ends up winning the argument and pays for our hot dogs, fries, and pop. We sit down and eat. After we eat, we are just walking around when I notice Fred kinda crossing his legs while walking.

"Need to use the little boy's room?" I ask with a smirk. He rolls his eyes and heads to the bathroom. I am standing there waiting for him to return when a boy around my age walks up to me smirking.

"Hey there Huntly. You look good. Why don't you and I take a ride on the Ferris wheel together?" I feel my cheeks heat up with embarrassment as I am not comfortable and I don't like him and I have no idea who he is.

"McClaggen! What are you doing here?" Fred says as he returns from the bathroom. He gives me a confused look when he see that I am blushing.

"Weasley, I could ask you the same question. I was just chatting with Huntly here." Now I know who he is. Eric McClaggen.

"I am here with Eliza and we have to go."

"Okay well Huntly if you get bored of Weasley, come find me okay?" He smirks before walking.

"Why are you blushing Eliza? Do you like him?"

"Like him? I asked you here on a date dumbass not him." Fred opens his mouth to argue. And I shut him up using what turns out to be an effective method of shutting him up that I will be using in the future. I grabbed the front of his shirt and pulled him towards me and kissed him full on the lips. Within two seconds, he returns the kiss. My eyes flutter closed and he pulls me closer. The two of us pull apart and smile at each other. He grabs my hand and we walk around for a bit.

"Wait if you don't like him, why were you blushing?"

"I was embarrassed by the attention I was receiving." he nods his head and soon it is time for us to head home. We walk back to my house and waiting for us on the driveway is Teddy, the boy from before.

"Come on Freddie, your parents are expecting you home for dinner soon. Did you guys have fun?" Teddy asks and we both nods our heads. I lean over and give Fred a kiss on the cheek and wave as the two leave. I open the door and head into the living room where I have no doubts that my parents are waiting for me and I am right.

"Have fun?" Mum asks as I sit down in the big black leather chair.

"Yeah we went on lots of rides and played some games, didn't win anything though, and had some funnel cake too." My parents smile as the subject gets switched to some bad joke that my dad told at work today. That night as I am getting ready for bed, my phone buzzes.

'Hey E'

'Hiya Freddie'

'I had a lot of fun today'

'Me too'

'So can I plan the next one?'

'I would love to see what you can come up with'

'Great. Oh BTW Teddy totally made fun of me for the fact that you made me blush'

'Ha ha ha. Teddy sounds awesome'

'Don't tell him that or else his head will grow too big.' I ended up falling asleep before reading this message and Fred upon not hearing anything, realized I fell asleep and sent me this message.

'Night beautiful.'

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2023 ⏰

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