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Paxon pulls up at his driveway. He still sees Rakim's car in the driveway. He sighs. He gets out the car and enters his home. He goes to his bedroom and lays on his bed. He was a little tired. He gets on his phone and scrolls on Instagram. He hears a banging at the door. He goes to answer it. There reveals Summer, Leila's friend.


"Leila here?"

"I- I believe so."

She shoves him out the way and makes her way to Leila's bedroom. He sighs and close the door.

Leila and Indya are laid up in bed together. Summer walks in and hopped on the bed with the pair.

"Hey whores." Summer smiles.

"Where you been?" Leila asked.

"You know I've been busy."

"Fucking that London guy, huh?"

Summer rolled her eyes.

"Can we not talk about him, please?"

"Alright alright I was poking at your pussy." Leila laughs.

"Well you didn't poke it hard enough, hun."

Paxon is still laid up on the couch, on Netflix. He looks at the door and sees Danielle coming in.

"How you got access?"

"You left your spare in my car again, big head." She laughs.


She sits on the couch with him.

"So... Netflix and chill?"

Paxon looks up at her and they both laughed.

"Sure, whatever you wanna call it."

He lays his head on her lap and continues watching the movie. He can feel wet spots forming from her pants. He lifts his head up and looks at her pants. She looks down at it with a fake shock on her face.

"Are you raining down there?" He asked.

"I uh- no."

He sniffs her pants as she blushes.

"Damn... smells good too."

"I uh- you want me to make you a smoothie?" She asked him as she gets up and walks to the kitchen.

"Yeah, blend me some strawberries, bananas, and mango." He tells her. "Also add a tiny drop of liquor with it."

"My specialty."

She proceeds to making him his smoothie.

She knows that he loves her smoothies, and would make it for him every time. He also loves her cooking. They've been best friends since kindergarten. Every time something happens, they always go to each other.

Danielle continues making his smoothie. Leila, Indya and Summer comes out the room.

"Oh look, it's Paxon's girlfriend." Leila teased.

"Hey y'all."

"Whatchu making in there?" Indya asked.

"Smoothies, want some?"

"Sure." Leila says, smacking Danielle's butt, causing it to jiggle. Danielle blushes a little.

"Damn you got a jello booty." Leila smirks.

Danielle gave the girls their smoothies, then made Paxon one.

"What y'all getting into?" Indya asks.

"Well Danielle and I were about to watch a movie."

"Oh, didn't mean to intrude." Leila says.

"Meh, y'all good."

"I bet y'all do want y'all alone time, huh?"

"We kinda do." Danielle answers.

"No problem, Summer, Indya and I finna go chill with some baddies."


They left the house. Danielle came back with two cups of smoothies. She gave one to Paxon.


"My pleasure." She smiles.

They looked at the screen, sipping on their smoothies. Danielle puts her foot on his lap, feeling his print. She feels as he hardens. She looks at it, then up at him.

"Paxon are you getting hard?"

"Nah." He quickly answers.

"No no, I can see you getting hard." She teased.

"I don't know what you're talking about."

She rubs on his print.

"What is this?"

"Uhhh... okay so since you wanna do that, weren't you just wet 5 minutes ago?"

"Nope, I wasn't wet."

"Yes you were."

She giggles. They both started laughing.

"Oh Paxon, how cute you are." She smirks.

"Oh stop it." He blushes.

They looked at each other for a good half a minute. She looks and sees that he was really hard. She also got really wet too. She sits up on his lap and started grinding him a little.

"Dang, this what we doing now?"

"Well, I am kinda horny." She smirks.

"I mean... alright what the hell, let's do it." He shrugs.

She slid off her panties, then slid his grey sweatpants and boxers. She was intrigued by how big he was.

"I don't know if it'll fit." She said.

"Well with your WAP, you can make it fit." He smirks.


She got on top of him and started slowly bouncing on him. She let's out small moans.

"Damn Paxon, agh!"

She continues bouncing on him. She started dripping, making it easier to slide in and out easy.

"You want me to go faster?" She asked.

"Yes, faster."

She speeds up, moaning faster. She starts sucking on his neck, leaving him hickeys.

"Damn, Dani."

"Marking my territory." She smirks.

She continues grinding him, speeding up until he was ready to cum. He was ready to pull out but she didn't give him a chance to. He came, making her eyes roll back.

"Shit!" Dani moans.

She lays there, still having him inside her. He looks at her.

"So we just gone..."

"Yup." She smiles.


After 2 hours Paxon and Danielle are knocked out on the couch, with a random movie playing on the screen. Danielle is laying on his stomach with a white blanket over them. It is 4 AM. Leila and her friends entered the house, drunk. The girls came stumbling inside, trying to keep their balance. Summer falls on the floor, as Indya tries to hold her. Once they reached Leila's bedroom Indya dragged Summer into the room.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2021 ⏰

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