Day 1

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I exit my car, the smell of used cigarettes fill the air, as I see before me, in bold letters, Freddy fazbears Family fun center. I walk towards the entrance, ignoring the closed sign on the door, where a man in a purple suit and a blue and black tie waits to great me. "Well now, you must be our new security guard!" The man said in a Texan accent. "That would be me," I said "the names mike Schmidt" "Well pleasure t' meet ya mike, my name is karter Luizenhouwer, I'm the ceo of this fine establishment," karter said as he began to unlock the entrance doors. "Let me just open this puppy up and I'll show ya round our fine establishment!" We both walk into the building, were multiple cutouts of characters from the franchise are put up as decor. All the cut outs were in a very cartoonish design to appeal to kids, we walked but cutouts of Bonnie the bunny, Chica the chicken, foxy the pirate fox, balloon boy, circus baby, ballora, the puppet, and the star of the show himself, Freddy fazbear. However, I noticed some cutouts of characters that didn't belong to the franchise, I didn't know who they were, but two of them were what appeared to be an old looking magician, and a weasel in overalls. But then, I stopped in my tracks, right before my eyes was not a cutout, but a poster. I looked in oddity when i began to read what was on the poster, "MEET FLEAGLE THE BEAGLE! LEADER OF THE BANANA SPLITS ROCK BAND!"In the bottom right hand corner there was a sentence that read "all characters relating to the banana splits are now the property of fazbear entertainment." Karter just saw me reading the poster out the corner of his eye and turned to face me. "Havin a look at our newest member of the fazbear family I see." He said. "Who is this guy? I've never seen him in anything from freddy's." I said. "Oh you haven't heard? That's fleagle, he's the leader of the banana splits rock!" Karter said. "the banana what?" I asked. "The banana splits!" Karter said excitingly, "they're this old tv show that ran back in 60's, the studio that created them, Taft studios, was just bought out by fazbear entertainment. Now, him and all his friends are now proud members of the fazbear family!"
"I think I've heard of them" i said. "Wasn't their show canceled a while ago?" "Ya the show was canned by some dumbass network executive." Karter said. "What happened after that is a bit blurry, but there are rumors goin round sayin that the robot stars went on a murderous rampage when they found out!" "Little over reacting don't you think?" I asked " and what do you when by robot stars, weren't those guys just people in costumes?" "Nope!" Karter replied. "Those were state of the art animatronics! They were played by guys in suits in the early days, but the actors keeped getting injured on set so they replaced them with robots instead." "Heh, I didn't know that" I said. "Welp," Karter said, "speaking of introductions, let me introduce ya to the rest of the cast!" We walked down the hallway to main stage area, the whole way Karter introduced me to the rest of the characters who were bought out by fazbear entertainment. "And this this heat is Mortimer Handee!" Karter said pointing to the magician character I saw earlier. "This guy was the star of the hit tv show, Mortimer's handymen, back in the 1980's." "Oh ya I heard of that show," i said, "I heard it got shut down because of a fire at the studio." "Ya," Karter said "the creator of the show, Owen gubberson, died that day, along with 7 other crew members." Karter quickly darted his eyes to the cartoon weasel in an attempt to get the painful memory out of his mind. "and over there's Willy the weasel, one of the stars of the small town play place, Willy's wonderland." "Who?" I asked "Willy!" Karter said "this old Rascal is the brain child of jerry Willis back in 96." "wait, jerry Willis?" I asked "wasn't that guy a serial killer?" "Oh of course not!" Karter replied, "you must be thinking of some other jerry willis." We arrive on the main stage, we're standing there, in all their robotic glory, was the big three, Freddy, Bonnie, and Chica. "Beautiful ain't they?" Karter said "These 4 wonders are loved by kids all over the country! Makes me happy." "4? But there are only 3 of them." I point out. "Oh ya!" Karter said, "ya must be think'n of foxy! He's a lil, beat up right now, so he's out of order right now, he's right over there in pirates cove." We walk into the next room with a sign reading "pirates cove" right over the door. The whole room has an extremely present pirate theme, there's a wrecked pirate ship, a dotted line on the floor which is obviously leading to treasure, and the entire room seems to be set on a deserted island, mainly because of the fake palm trees all over the place. And near the south west corner of the room, stood a stage, with the main attraction of the room, foxy, standing atop it looking seriously broken with parts of his endo skeleton showing through his fur and pirate jacket. "Geez, what happened to this one?" I said "oh, thats..." Karter said, looking like he's trying to repress something "a long story, let's just say, it costs the place a lot of money." I simply just shrug it off and i follow Karter to the next party room. Along the way, I spotted what looked like a plump child, holding a balloon. But, I realized that it was just one of the animatronics, balloon boy was his name I think.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2021 ⏰

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