The walk of surprises

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I was walking with Kaeya, and was actually about to confess my crush to him. This was big, who knows, we might end up together and have a beautiful house together after all this is over. 

'Hey, Kaeya, I wanna tell you something...'

'What is it?' he said in the sweetest voice possible. Aah. My heart was melting!

'I, I kinda have-' I started to confess but then Kaeya pushed me.

'Lumine!!! Watch out!!' and then I saw it. It was a dendro Abyss mage, very rare to find in nature, and very dangerous as well. I summoned my sword and we started battling it. Kaeya got injured, so we ran to find a safe place to tend to his wounds, and we did. I was tending to his wounds, and I thought we were finally out of danger. 

How very wrong I was. 

The dendro mage attacked me when I was tending to Kaeya's wounds, I tried taking my sword out, but it was too late. The Dendro mage attacked me, injuring me fatally, and I knew I didn't have much time to live. I couldn't make out much of what was happening, but I did hear one conversation, and it was the most shocking conversation I ever heard. 

'Prince Kaeya. I hope you know where your loyalty lies. I trust you won't fail us'



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