The Funeral

139 6 7

Your POV 

Looking at the stack of papers that I had written the instructions on, I sighed gently. I was told that I needed to keep my life as normal as possible, until Slender was ready to fetch me. Standing as I huffed gently and grabbed my black shoes. Today was the day of Ash's funeral and I had to go. Putting her to rest, I can hopefully put to rest all of the blame that I had. 

Slipping my shoes on, I went down the stairs and met up with my mom and brother. We got into the car and drove off towards the church that the service was being held as i looked out the window. Glancing at the different things that we passed I held my arms close to my body. 

Once we got to the church I went up the stairs and stood on the side lines as I watched everyone else moving around and talking to each other in hushed tones. Looking around a little a few people hugged each other and I glanced at the floor as I tried to not make contact. 

When every one was ushered into the main area for the service, we followed to sit in the pews. Sitting towards the back as I looked at the picture of Ash staring at me for what felt like forever. Getting up slowly I made my way towards the bathroom. Getting into it, and looking to see if anyone was in there, I saw the coast was clear and then locked the door. 

Sighing heavily as I leaned against the counter for a second. Seeing the glimpse of Slender pop up in the mirror I blinked and it was gone. Great, now I get to see him everywhere, how am I supposed to act like that's normal?  Turning around for a second I looked in the mirror for a moment. Thinking about it for a moment, there was a way I could vanish without having anyone look for me. It wasn't going to be easy, but I would have to make a deal with Slender before I can do that. Heading back out to the church pews and sat back down. 


We were standing in the grass under a large tree as we watched the casket get lowered into the ground. Everyone thought it was best that we had a closed casket because of the nature of her death. I had taken a thousand pictures with her, and other family had pictures of her as well, so keeping her in that light was the best option. 

Grabbing the shovel once it was my turn I took a scoop of dirt and added it to the pile above her. Getting back in line with my mom she put her hand on my shoulder as she rubbed it gently. Letting out a sniffle for a second I leaned into her and tried my best not to cry, only for a few tears to fall. 

Everything had wrapped up and we were heading home. Getting into the car after a few quick goodbyes I sighed gently. After we had gotten home, I ran up to my room and sat on my bed. Looking over to the piece of paper, I grabbed it and looked at it again. Sighing a little I read it over again to make sure that I had it down. 

Getting up, I  got changed and got started with what I was supposed to do. Locking my door  as I walked over to the closet before I sighed gently. Once the supplies were together I was able to get things rolling. Hearing a thud at the window, I got up to see who it was. Seeing as it was Jeff I sighed gently and let him in, pulling him into the window a little faster before someone saw. 

With him landing on top of me, he smirked and I rose a brow. "You certainly seem to like me on top of you." he said before I pushed him off. "Shut your face." I said before I stood up. "I have a few things that I want to discuss." 

Watching him get up he put his hands in his pocket and sighed gently. "You do know that not everyone is able to get what they want." he said as he looked at me. "Oh really. princess?" I asked. "You think I don't know that?" Crossing my arms as I looked at him, he hummed gently and looked at me. 

"What do you want?" he asked as he glanced at me. "I'll join your little force, or whatever, but I want my mom and my brother off limits to all of it. Not you, or anyone else goes after them to fake a suicide." I said. 

He looked at me for a moment before he nodded. "Have you gotten started on anything else you were told to do?" he asked as I nodded. "I got started on the drawings and whatnot, though I think we might have to find a way to get me to go missing in a way that no one will try and find me." I said. 

He nodded as he shuffled on his feet before looking around my room. Getting his attention as I stepped over to him I crossed my arms. "Quit trying to figure out where my underwear is hiding, go tell your boss what I told you." I said and he sighed before nodding. Jumping down from the window, he ran off down the road and into the woods. 

Cleaning up my room, I sorted everything before I sighed gently and got into bed after a long day. Hoping that Slender would keep his end of the deal and actually leave my mother and my brother alone when I signed myself over to him. 

I thought about having the reader watch the funeral from the distance like in the movies, but I wasn't sure. 

(1000 words) 

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