Chapter One | Mommy, help me.

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Chapter One - Mommy, help me.

Twelve Years Ago, Age 4

I held my teddy bear to my chest and rocked slowly, peeking through the window. I saw big men approaching the house and looked over at my mom. She was laid out on the couch with a empty pill bottle in her hand. I walked over to her and tapped her. "Mommy..." I called. No answer. I started to shake her. "Mommy, wake up..." I whispered again.

I heard loud knocks on the door and I panicked. I shook my mother harder and slapped her across the face. She still remained motionless. "Mommy, please!" I cried, watching as the door knob twisted quickly. Its locked, I thought and sighed in relief. But that wasn't gonna stop them, who were they? "Mommy, please wake up!" I heard a loud thump and the door flew open, the door frame destroyed.

I screamed and ran towards my room, crying and yelling for my mother. Still no reply. I got halfway up the stairs before I felt a giant hand around my ankle. I screamed and kicked, but it was no use. The giant man picked me up and carried me back down the stairs. I cried and wiggled, trying to get out of his grip.

"Mommy, help me! Mommy, please!" I paused, watching the other giant man, climb on top of my mother's motionless body with his peepee out. I cringed in disgust, I was too young to understand then, but he was mutilating my mother's dead body. I tried to look away but the other giant forced me to watch. "Get off my mommy! Stop! Please, you hurt her!" I cried.

After the man was finished, they carried me out to a van and threw me in the back. I pounded hard on the windows, screaming and crying once again for my mom. I knew she was gone, but I didn't want to believe it. One of the men, grabbed me by my throat and held a gun to my head, threatening to shoot me if I didn't be a "good little girl." My eyes widen and nodded quickly, obeying immediately.

The ride seemed to take hours and I was starting to get hungry. "S-sir, I am hungry..." I whispered, shivering in fear. He rolled his eyes and tossed me the half-eaten burger he had in his hands. I nodded, thankful, and grabbed the burger, tearing off the pieces he had bitten off of and devouring it quickly. The van suddenly slowed and I knew we were parking. I cringed in fear of where I was. What were they going to do to me?

The two men got off of the van and soon the back doors opened and they grabbed me. I didn't even bother to put up a fight, I was too far from home to know what to do if I did get free. I observed my surroundings and saw a large, old and rusty building. It looked as though it hadn't been in use for years, but I was wrong. The two men ran their id badges across a scanner and the door unlocked. The inside of the building was completely different from the outside. It was very clean and up to date.

I looked around and saw several children my age walking in a straight line towards a dark room. The men put me down, to my surprise. "Follow them," one said, hitting my tiny butt hard. I jumped and got into the line. I followed the children into the room. Inside the room were little bunks and mattresses everywhere. These room wasn't nearly as clean as the rest of the building. I wandered around, lost. I found a corner and sat in it with my knees to my chest. I hadn't noticed a brown - orangey haired girl sitting beside me until she spoke.

"What's your name?" she asked, peeking out from the shadow. I gasped as I saw scratches and lipstick kisses on her face. I shrugged and replied,"Kianna. What's yours?" i asked, sitting up slowly and looking at her.

She played with her fingers. "I'm Cheyenne, Im six. Are you six yet?" She seemed upset and uncomfortable. I scooted away from her and shook my head no. She grinned. "Good, are you new?" I nodded, shyly. New to what? What is this? "How old are you?" I was getting annoyed at all her questions but I held up four fingers. She nodded. "You're gonna be cleaning and dusting. I had to when I was four. Now I'm six...I hate being six."

I looked at her. "Why?" She shook her head and got up, walking away. I sunk back into the corner and prayed silently. I heard a loud bell and yelling soon after my amen. "All littles form a line!" I looked over at Cheyenne. She pointed to the line forming. I got up and rushed to line. A woman in heels and lingerie led us down the hall. I whispered the kid in front of me. "Why does she not have on clothes?" She hit my leg and told me to "shh". I scowled and followed the line. We entered a room and we were told to stand in a line against the wall. There were several men and women across from us with lustful looks.

I gulped and looked down at my feet, avoiding eye contact with them. They somehow just made me nervous and scared. They began pointing to children and picking them. I shook my head, hoping no one picked me. But to my disadvantage, a tall curvy woman picked me and the girl who had told me to shh. I sighed and walked over to her. The other girl trailing behind me. "What beautiful little girls. What are your names?" the woman asked, examining us both.

"Kianna," I mumbled, sadly. The other girl looked over at me, her eyes widened. "I'm Yona." I gasped. Yona was my friend from school who had went missing a week ago. I hugged her tightly. The woman slapped my cheek and pulled us apart. I held my cheek and fought back tears. At least I wasn't alone now.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06, 2015 ⏰

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