By Your Side

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"Jack! Guess what?!" I squealed, running into his locker room. 

"What?" He smiled, "You sound really excited. I'm guessing it's good news?"

"I just checked the rankings and if, well when I win my match tonight, I'm gonna be the number one contender!" I smiled brightly, jumping up and down, clapping my hands. 

"I'm so proud of you!" Jack gasped, shooting up and hugging me tightly, "I know you'll win."

"No doubt about it," I sighed, "And I love Britt, but I'm taking that title."

"You sure that this won't affect your friendship?" Jack wondered and I shrugged my shoulders. 

Britt and I have had plenty of matches before we made it big. That's how we became friends. We learned that we had great ring chemistry. 

"We've faced each other before! I'm sure it'll be a friendly, respectful but killer match!" I explained, looking forward to facing Britt. 

"I sure hope so," Jack sighed, a little concerned but still happy for me. 

Ever since the Double or Nothing party, Jack and I talked, getting to know each other well, and the next thing I knew, we were dating! 

We kept it a secret for now just because we wanted to take our time with things. 

All night, Jack was by my side, giving me tips, being encouraging like always and my match was the main event. The night ended up flying by and for the first time in forever, I had butterflies. 

I was stretching, shaking myself out, and trying to shake off the butterflies and Jack noticed the nervousness. 

"Baby girl," Jack chanted, wrapping his arm around me, "Just be calm. You know you got this."

"You're right," I smiled, smiling more when I saw Luchasarus and Marko joining us in the guerrilla. 

"Our future women's champion!" Marko smiled, hugging me, "Ready for your match?"

"I'm as ready as I'll ever be," I chuckled, also receiving a hug from Luchasarus, but my music hit immediately after. 

"Go win that match," Jack smiled, giving me a quick kiss. 

Right after, I got out there and seeing the crowd put me in-game mode. I was ready for this. 

I didn't have an easy opponent. I was facing Big Swole and the moment that bell rang, it was game on. 

Our match was the main event for a reason. Everyone was on the edge of their seat, gasping after seeing shocking kick-outs, crazy moves. 

At the climax of our match, my adrenaline was pumping and I felt invincible, Swole and I were both making it to our feet. Once we locked eyes, she came after me, but I dodged it and when she came back, a nasty superkick hit her directly in the face. 

I followed up with another one and when she finally fell to the mat, I ran to the corner, climbing the turnbuckles, doing a shooting star press, and winning the match. 

Those fans were going nuts for me and their energy passed onto me. I was running around the ring, shaking the ropes, but I stopped whenever I saw Britt and Rebel on the stage. 

They both put a smile on my face, joining me in the ring and hugging me. Rebel let me and Britt have a moment. 

We have known each other since I was eighteen, we traveled the world together, Britt helped train me.  Our friendship was a true friendship. 

"We're going to have the best match the world has ever seen," I smiled up at Britt. 

I got a bright smile in return, Britt sighing, "No, we're not."

"Jungle Boy" Jack Perry Fics & Oneshots (18+)Where stories live. Discover now