back to school

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"get off of me, you freak!" heather pushed alejandro after he wrapped his arm around her shoulders.

"mi, amor, what is wrong?" he asked flirtatiously.

"firstly, my name is heather. and secondly, we are over that whole relationship thing. accept that."

he frowned playfully but continued walking beside his ex girlfriend. "i understand".

"finally. anyway, can you help me find room 206?"

"no way. we are over that whole relationship thing. you'll figure it out!" the latino man jogged eagerly to his good friend duncan who was a few feet away from him, and left heather in the autumn sun. they've been buddies since they were at the ripe age of fifteen, and became friends with geoff and dj at sixteen.

"hey man" said duncan and leaned in for a casual handshake.

"hello brother" alejandro greeted. "where is your usual flee that hangs around?" he asked when they concluded their handshake.

"princess isn't a flee she's just an annoying fly. and i don't know really, i haven't spoken to her since a few weeks ago"

"i thought she broke up with you. why are you defending her name?"

"she did" duncan lied. "but it would still be entertaining to see her whine about how much she misses me"

"fair enough"

the duo walked more until they reached the main building.

"god this is huge" courtney mumbled from the other side of the brick construction.

"i know right" chirped bridgette who followed behind her.

"bridgette?" courtney smiled and turned to face her blonde friend.

"i got into wexford!"

"are you kidding me?" she laughed.

bridgette shook her head with a grin plastered on her face. a twinkle shimmered into the girls' eyes.

although the a-type brunette believed she was truly happy, courtney knew deep down that her ex was arriving to the same university. he was probably already there as she first entered the enormous building.

"we have a meeting with the entire grade in an hour so we want to get settled now" courtney advised to her surfer friend.

"hang on a sec i need to see my boyfriend first"bridgette and geoff, the obnoxious but loveable party boy, had been going out since they became seniors in high school. around the same time courtney and duncan went out.

"okay, but make it quick. we're running on a tight schedule" courtney lightly tapped her invisible watch. bridgette walked by herself to where he was standing and quickly locked lips with him for what seemed like three days.

courtney sighed to herself as she awkwardly watched the couple from afar. she couldn't help but look back on the days she would do the same. when she would sneak out with duncan at midnight and eat crappy food in his car, and she would always spill ketchup on his leather seats but he would never mind. or when they would get into a big fight over nothing but would be back together making out ten minutes later. or even when she would help him study for his tests, but of course they would never actually get anywhere. a small laugh escaped her lips as she remembered all the nights they stayed up doing that last one.

it was too bad he broke up with her a week before their first year of college started.

"get it together, courtney" she mentally slapped herself and got out of that state of mind. "daydreaming about what could've been will never get you anywhere" she told herself.

bridgette returned and she and courtney happily walked into the red brick building as they talked endlessly. "heather, over here" bridgette waved to one of her best friends.

heather escorted herself to the girls and huffed with frustration.

"what's wrong?" bridgette asked sweetly.

"alejandro is pissing me off" heather grumbled as she got out her digital map. something she completely forgot was an option when she was speaking to alejandro earlier.

"isn't he always?" questioned courtney.

"yeah, but now he's using my own words against me. turn to the right" the trio navigated through the hallway with heather's directions.

"so what? pull it together. you knew it was only going to last the summer"

"look who's talking, you cant go five minutes without moping about duncan and that weird goth girl. turn to the right again and go up the stairs then open up the closest door on the left"

courtney, heather, and bridgette continued their lively conversation as they walked up the wooden steps.

"now open that door" heather reminded as she pointed to the red door whilst still starring at her screen.

"yes i heard you the first time" the blonde replied as she pushed the door which read 206.

courtney was the first one to scan the room. she carefully observed her new peers and indulged in her constant habit of judging others. she was meaning to change that.

one of the first people she noticed was a red head kid who had his finger stuck deep into his nose. "gross" she thought.

she also detected the student who was sitting beside him, the girl had her makeup down perfectly and she had that twinkle in her eye people would always remember.

"i know her. name is leshawna or something" she beleived. courtney had already heard of some kids that morning. she intended to meet them all and speak around so she could get a head start on the whole awkward ice breaker stage.

her search around the assembly room was cut short when she saw a familiar face in the crowd.

"shit!" she thought.

courtney could hear her heart race in her ears. she thought she would need a speeding ticket for how fast her blood was pumping.

she had already prayed for duncan not to be at her college, but failed that. it seemed she would need a new wish. he could most definitely not be in one of her classes.

she was planning to major in academic discipline, otherwise known as english, and political science, otherwise known as law.

this was going to be her time. he could not ruin this for her.

the way he already destroyed both her heart and her vacation break.

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