devil in a new dress

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courtney's pov

"can you wear purple and pink together?" asked beth as she went though the clothing racks.

"remind me why i'm helping you" returned heather from across the store.

"you work in a boutique and this is the perfect place to find a dress". beth was still searching through the piles of fabric while heather filed her nails.

"yeah no. i'm an employee i don't actually intend on helping customers" heather turned to the full body mirror and checked out her uniform.

"here try this one" i said. i pulled out a glamorous cocktail dress that possessed the rich colour of champagne.

heather took a quick glance at the dress.
"that's perfect for you courtney" she faced the other girl in the room "beth keep searching".

"just put it on. i'm sure it will look great on you" i smiled and showed beth to a fitting room.

"it's not like you're employee of the month" heather said when i returned from helping beth, not looking away from her reflection.

"yeah but i actually go by my resumé. unlike you, slacker" i playfully threw a shoe at her. ok maybe i should of chosen a softer option, like a dress.

heather's eyes widened once the velvet show made contact, and soon a wicked grin spread across her face.

before she could respond, the bell of the front door chimed.

we immediately stood behind the desk at the far end of the store, ready to welcome the new customer.

a woman walked through the door. she was blonde, around shoulder-length hair, and carried a hypnotic pair of teal orbs.

"hi there. may i help you?" i asked. i could've sworn i'd seen that woman before. but for some odd reason, i couldn't place her.

"courtney! you look gorgeous, how are you these days?" she said joyfully.

then it hit me. this was duncan's mother. how could i forget? i must've blocked him out a lot.

"i'm fine how are you?" i asked her back in an equally positive tone, pulling a strand of hair behind my ear.

"i'm good. you know, we've missed you around the house a bit"

"i wouldn't let duncan hear that" i fake laughed. this was getting awkward.

"haha! i thought you broke up with hi- anyway, i need a dress. something that says, what do you kids say? ah yes, milf!"

heather practically choked on her coffee on that last word.

i nudged her to show his mum around and look for a dress.

"i'll show you some options over on this rack" said heather. she brought the blonde woman to the right side of the store. i decided to make my escape and check on beth.

"so, how's it looking?" i asked behind the grey curtain.

"it looks alright" she said.

beth walked out of the dressing room, and she looked fantastic.

"please tell me you're buying that"

she looked once more at her reflection, and happily nodded.

i led her to the desk where she pulled out her purse and laid her card on the table.

i made the exchange. she said "thank you" and left.

i waved bye through the window and beth did the same before entering her red vehicle.

i had a test the next day so it was time to start panicking. yeah, this college was weird. they treated tests like high school, in your first year. and i was only eighteen so, i did have the rest of college to do the stuff you see on in movies.

for the entirety of that week i had already studied like a madman. i was pretty sure i grew some white hairs from the stress.

"yes, this one is perfect!" duncan's mum stared at the red dress which laid in heather's palms.

her sudden chirp brought me out of my daydreaming.

"i'll take it" she smiled brightly. i had to admit, her smile reminded me of duncan a lot. the same eyebrow raise and the same expressions. it was like deja vu watching her speak.

"you don't want to try it on?" heather asked.

"nope, i'm so in love with it i'm sure it will look great"

"perfect!" i said and searched for one of the store's bags.

his mum pulled out her purse and handed out some cash.

"thanks courtney. and i might not see you for a while because of my ridiculous son that i love so much, but i have to be honest... out of all the girls duncan has dated.... you have to be my favourite" she beamed.

"uh, thank you" i nodded. this was easier than i thought.

the door bell rang as she left.

"that little street rat!" heather said when the door closed.

"what?" i turned around to face her.

"duncan! he's been telling people that you broke up with him! did you not hear her when she first came in?"

"oh my god, you're right" i sat down on a nearby chair.

"you better go talk to him otherwise i will" heather advised strongly.

"i will. thanks"

"i'm your best friend. i obviously am the best thing that ever happened to you"

i laughed and got back to work.

he really was a dick.

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