Bai Qian/Ye Hua [贰]

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Story gist: Bai Qian is awaiting labour, and Ye Hua, being the eager dad-to-be that he is, figures out a way to induce her labour. [Modern AU] [NSFW WARNING]

Note: YouTube video of the 25th anniversary rendition of Phantom Of The Opera's "The Point Of No Return" attached in media section is kind of like the mood music, it's one of my favourites (I've been addicted to Phantom Of The Opera that has Sierra Boggess and Ramin Karimloo lately yes), there's so much detail in this song. But ignoring all that, some slight parts of the song's meaning/lyrics have been used in this story, so might as well listen to it, hmm? Idk, it's all up to you. And I shan't say further. Enjoy!


"I think, Ye Hua..."

The smartly dressed man looked up at his wife with an expectant expression. "Yes, Qian Qian?" He answered in complete adoration, gesturing for her to come over, and Bai Qian only retained her smile as she glided across the room, sitting on the barstool opposite him, "I think that we should probably dig out that book that your employee Cheng Yu sent." "You do remember that it was a dare, don't you? My Third Uncle made her do it for fun. Whatever do you need it for?" Ye Hua brushed the topic over lightly, but in his mind, he was already searching through his memories; where had he damned that book to?

"To read, of course." Bai Qian stared longingly at his cup of wine, before she compromised and reached for the carton of expensive grape juice he had bought for her as a compensation, "Riceball will be here any time now, remember?" "And you want to prepare yourself using Cheng Yu's book?" Ye Hua stood, a little sceptical, but nonetheless he still walked into the study, taking the particular book off the shelves, and Bai Qian reached for it, taking it from his hands, "It's for the same purpose, although it probably isn't as serious as best, but it won't harm to take a look."

"It's a fictional book." Ye Hua pointed out exasperatedly, but Bai Qian made it a point to ignore him as she flipped open the book. A frown creased her forehead, however, upon flipping nearer to the center of the book, and just when Ye Hua was about to rub something in about the cleanliness of the book, Bai Qian placed a palm upon her stomach, "Ye Hua, I just remembered - we're done packing the hospital bag right?"

"Why? Is Riceball coming?!" Ye Hua panicked at once, dashing into their room to see what he could pack, and Bai Qian shook her head in silent laughter, calling after him, "Ye Hua, not yet. At least, not now." "Oh." Ye Hua had just calmed down, holding one of her nursing bras in his hand, before her words caught him in a second round of panic, "Not now?" "My contractions could start anytime. I've felt the drop." Bai Qian was far too calm for a woman on her first pregnancy, "Now, put that bra into the bag and come back. Stop panicking."

"We need to get you to the hospital, no?" He himself could not make up his mind if it was a statement or a question, but Bai Qian merely raised an eyebrow, "Sit. Back. Down. I am perfectly fine." "But how long will it take?" Ye Hua suddenly glanced at the grandfather clock, at the hands that were just a little past five, and Bai Qian shrugged, picking up her book again, "I'm not in any hurry. But you could look it up, if you'd like."

No hurry? Ye Hua frowned at her words. They were this close to seeing Little Riceball born; how could she not be in a hurry?

But then again, the pain that accompanied it was not something one looked forward to. It made sense.

Casually, but not that casually, Ye Hua typed a few words into the search bar of his phone, and the first suggestion had his heart skip a beat.

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