The Other World

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     So I woke up and got dressed. I put on a t-shirt that said "Don't eat my brains" and I put my favorite pair of boot cuts jeans on. Then since it was chilly I slip my leather jacket on. I step outside and started walking to The Candy store.

     I walked in and there was no candy inside what so ever. I look around it looks like a restaurant, but it's not. I see someone with black long hair from the corner of my eye. The guy gives me a smile like I'm gonna eat you type. I see that he has fangs as teeth. So that can only mean he is a a a...... vampire, unless them are fake teeth which I hope so. I glance at him then run for my life. Then he chases after me and catches me. I grabs my neck and pulls it close to his mouth. I can feel his cold breath on my neck and his fingers. It sends a chill down my back. Then suddenly I fall. I hit my head on the ground, which knocked the breath out of me. The vampire is half I mile from me. I look up at the sky and instead of the sky I see a face. Its tan with light blue eyes as the sky on a sunny day. It has this blondish brown hair but, mostly blonde. He hands me his hand and I grab hold. Then I yanked up into the air and finally my feet are back on the ground again.

     The guy said "What are you doing around here easily kill by me or him." Which he said that pointing to the Vampire.

     Then I said, "I just wanted to see a friend;"

     Then he said, "What your friend's name then;"

     Then I said "I don't know, but if my friend sees me he will know who I am."

     Then he looks at me then says, "Ok, follow me then." So I follow him into a store. I walked in and everybody in there is staring at me like I'm some kind of idoit. Then I see him, he sees me and turns his head away fast so I won't notice him.

     Then the guy I came in with says, "By the way u can call me Shane." I least I know one person name in this world if he is in this world anyway.

     Then he says "Does anybody know who this is." Nobody answer. Then he said, "You can stay with me I have a spare bedroom."

     Then I say, "Nah its ok I can go back where I came."

     Then he said, " The portal closed so u cant."

     Then I say, "Are you sure there is no other portal thingy."

     Then he says in a deep calm voice, "No, there is only one portal which is now closed."

     Then I start freaking out. My face turns bright red and I feel like im gonna pass out. I gag.

     Then Shane asks "Are you okay?"

     "Ya, it just I feel a little sick," I say trying not to throw up.

     "I will get you something when we get there." He says. I start feeling like I have to go pee. I can feel it trying to go down my leg. Finally we get there.

      "Where's your bathroom." I say quickly.

     He says, "Umm in the woods, but I think I might have one inside." Then he runs into the house. I wait trying to hold it. He comes back out and says

     "Nope, sorry don't have one." My face I swear turns red as a tomato. "I go back inside so u can go pee out here," he says. Soon as he goes inside and I hear the door shut, I run into the woods. I couldn't find a big enough tree, so I go behind a bush. I pull down my pants then relief passes through me. I stay there for about five minutes peeing. Then I pull my pants up and stand up. Suddenly I hear a sound. Its sounds familiar. I listen longer and it gets quieter. So I run toward the sound. As I run faster it becomes louder. I stop and hear whispering. I can't make out all the words but I can on some.

     "we have to kill them..."

     "force them to be are slaves...." The voices say.

     "someone here" I flop down on my belly and lay on it so they won't see me. They spot me so I get up, turn around and run for my life. I can feel the thorns trying to scratch me. I run into a branch and fall. I look back and don't see anybody falling me.

      Then I hear yelling. "u lost her." Then I hear fighting noises. I get up and run toward Shane house. I finally see it. I open it then quickly lock it. I turn around, then there's a knife it to my throat.

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