Chapter 1- Take It To The Top

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As soon as the music started, the dancers moved forward in unison. As the beat struck, each dancer struck a pose. Once the blonde boy at the end had struck his pose, they started moving along to the music, clapping and sharing secretive smiles with one another.

Four girls ran forward and did a huge leap, smiling widely as they did so. The girl on the left had long dark hair, and was wearing a floral T-Shirt. The next girl had brownish-blondish hair, and was wearing a blue tank top and black leggings. Next there was a tall, dark-haired girl, wearing an orange T-Shirt and grey leggings. Finally, there was a blonde girl, wearing a patterned blue T-Shirt and a wide smile.

The rest of the dancers were still standing in their line, cheering the four girls on. The quartet did a small section of choreography, before moving to the side to let three girls come forward, doing side aerials.

The blonde on the left was wearing a pink T-Shirt and black leggings. She looked determined, and extremely focused on the dance. Next was a girl with fiery red hair. She was wearing a black T-Shirt and black leggings, but a purple leotard could be seen underneath. Finally, there was a girl with chocolatey-brown hair, wearing a purple T-Shirt and black leggings.

The trio of girls did their combination, while five boys at the back clapped along to the music, before preparing themselves for a big trick. Two guys, a dark haired and a blonde did backflips. Two others did dive rolls, and a fifth- a brunette- slid under them.

The five boys did a combination in sync, before moving off to the side for the team to come together. They did energetic choreography to the fast-paced music, and you could tell that the team bonded well together, just by the dynamic in the room.

There was an older lady, more middle aged, watching the dancers at the side. She was wearing a green shirt and a short, black skirt. She was surveying the dancers with a small smile on her face. She had a look of authority.

The 12 dancers continued with their joint section of choreography, before moving off to the side, until there was one dancer left, performing a solo piece. James. He did some hip-hop moves, with some breakdancing involved, and you could tell that he had a lot of experience.

He did some tumbling, before the brunette with a blue tank top joined him. They did a complex lift, and when they'd finished he gave a small smile before grabbing her hand and twisting her outwards. She had a small grin on her face too, as though she was trying not to smile but failing miserably.

They both smiled together, and he walked away, over to the side. James was thinking about leaving A-Troupe to be with the band, but he hadn't realised just how much time Internationals had taken up. Now that they were just going to Regionals, he realised that he could do both.

The brunette, known as Riley, started doing a solo once James had walked away. She did a blend of hip-hop and salsa moves. Soon the other six girls joined her for a dance section. They did some hair flip -which were of course, iconic- as well as some other moves.

Six of the girls dispersed, until it was only the dark-haired girl in a floral top doing a solo. She did a side aerial, as well as some turns and leaps before exiting out of Studio A. Stephanie wanted to become a triple threat, however she felt that she had achieved everything she wanted to as a dancer, so she had made the difficult decision to move to Los Angeles to focus on her acting career. She was leaving in a couple of days.

Next three people came tumbling across the room as the other dancers cheered them on. Noah, Cierra and Max finished their tumbling, before Cierra ran across the room towards her friends, as did Noah. Max continued to do a complex pieces of choreography, before he was joined by the blonde and the brunette, otherwise known as West and Eldon.

They did some choreography together, before dispersing to the sides. Max had been seriously contemplating going to College, but he had never felt so at home anywhere else. He said it was because dance was his passion, but secretly it was because he didn't cope well with change.

The brunette guy came across the floor, tumbling again. Noah was one of the newest members of A-Troupe, and he hadn't even thought about leaving The Next Step, or A-Troupe. He could never just abandon his dream like that. He did some complex dancing, including turn sequences and extremely high leaps before running off to the side, allowing the blonde in the patterned T-Shirt to come cartwheeling on.

Cierra had joined TNS because of the merge that Lucien had set up, but she loved it there and really wanted to stay to go back to Regionals. Winning Internationals was her dream, and she wanted to do it all over again. She hadn't told anyone, however, that there was a chance her Mum was being transferred all the way to Ireland for her work. Cierra did a small section of choreography before moving aside to let the tall, dark-haired girl dance.

Amanda had a long history with The Next Step, but she was here now and 100% dedicated to the team. She wasn't going anywhere as far as she knew. She did some turns, leaps and jumps before moving out of the way so that the red-haired girl from earlier could come in with an impressive tumbling section.

She did some amazing acrobatic moves- the thing that Giselle was best known for- until four other girls joined her for a short time. Giselle was the dance captain that had lead her team to victory, and she wanted to do that all again, now that she had not only the experience, but the confidence.

Next was the dark brunette with the purple T-Shirt. She did a small dance, doing turns, leaps and legs. She smiled a little, before running towards the blonde guy- Eldon. They did a lift, and some partnering work before they shared a glance.

Thalia walked away, towards the door. In the same direction as Stephanie. Thalia had always wanted to explore her heritage, and the friend she made at Internationals had invited her to go to Poland. She had accepted his offer. It wasn't permanent, but Thalia's boyfriend- Eldon- thought that it was.

Eldon did his solo. He was widely known as the best dancer in the studio, although Noah was beginning to be deemed a 'mini Eldon'. Eldon did his last trick before he was joined by West. They did a small section together, before Eldon went off to the side to let West have his moment.

West did some very impressive hip-hop moves- something he was widely known for. Next was the fierce blonde in the pink shirt. She passed by West and started to do her section of the dance. She was very well-rounded, and had a lot of tricks up her sleeve.

Michelle did a side aerial, before she was joined by the rest of the troupe, excluding Thalia and Stephanie. They did some more choreography together, before striking their final pose. They were in a line across the room, finishing just how they had started. Together.

So yeah, that's my first chapter, let me know what you guys think. I'm really excited for this story. Evie :)

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