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The slow steady beeping of the heart monitor made me come to the realization that we don't live forever. No matter how we feel like nothing could touch us, something is always there that will shoot us down. All I could do was sit and stare at my boyfriend, draped in wires with a breathing tube keeping him alive.

We were given a week to say our good-byes. He had been declared brain dead yesterday after less than a month in the ICU. A car crash had changed everything for both of us. I managed to walk away with only a few cuts and bruises whereas he is laying in a hospital bed dying.

This wasn't supposed to happen. Greg had surprised me with a romantic evening. We had been on the way to the restaurant. The entire time I kept thinking that this was it, he was going to propose tonight. Three years we had been together. I was so sure that we were about to take the next step. Then a freight-liner hit us after running a red light, taking away everything.

“Despite all of his faults, he loved you,” His mother told me, clutching my hand tightly.

I shook the tears out of my eyes. “I loved him too.”

A week wasn't enough time to say good-bye. There would never be enough time to say good-bye to the one constant that had been in my life. He had been there for me when I decided to drop out of college to pursue a career as an artist. He had been there for me when I had sold my first painting for more than five hundred dollars. Through the ups and the downs, Greg had been there.

At twenty-seven years of age, he had so much more life to live. This wasn't how it was supposed to end. We were supposed to grow old together. Now he was going to be taken off of life support in a week.

My decision was made. I wasn't going to sit back and allow this to happen. There had been rumors of a man on the outskirts of town that was a miracle maker for a price. I didn't care what that price was, a miracle was exactly what I needed. I was desperate to keep the man I loved alive.

Roadhouse Bar was an hour away from the hospital. It was known for bikers and criminals. The police wouldn't step a foot inside of here, no matter how many fights broke out. Maybe I was making a mistake, I thought as I stepped inside. Several bikers eyed me up and down, thinking that I could be another notch in their bed post.

I stepped up to the bar. “I'm looking for the miracle man.”

The female bartender stared at me for a moment. “You mean Dominic? He's in the last booth.”

Thanking her, I made my way to his booth. A few men slapped my ass as I walked. I ignored them, determined not to cause a scene.

A handsome man sat in the booth. He looked up at me with his hazel eyes, staring at me for a moment. After a moment, he picked up his beer taking a swig. “What can I do for you, Milah?”

I was taken back by this. “How do you know my name?”

He motions for me to sit down. “I know lots of things. You are hear to make a deal to save your dead boyfriend.”

“He isn't dead,” I snap at him.

Dominic leans forward, his face inches away from mine. “Oh, but he is. His brain is dead. The rest of his body may be alive, but that does not mean that he himself is.”

“So can you do it?” I asked. “Can you save Greg?”

“That all depends....are you willing to pay the price?”

Pulling out an envelope out of my purse I hand it to him. “Will this cover it? It's all I have.”

He gives a sharp laugh. “Money is no good to me. When I think of a suitable payment, I will come and collect- no questions asked. Do you agree?”

“If you save him, then I will do anything,” I told him.

Dominic gave me a grin full of sharp white teeth. “Then we have a deal. By midnight, your lover will be fine.”

“Thank you,” I went to get out of the booth when he stopped me.

“We must seal the deal before you leave, sweetheart.” he says.

I stared at him confused. Dominic pulled me down to him. Our lips connected. A spark took me by surprise. It was no ordinary kiss. There was something....something magical about it. Not in the romantic way, but in the pit in your stomach way. Suddenly I began wondering what I had just done.

He pulled away. “Now it's sealed. You better leave now, you'll be getting a call soon.”

Sure enough my phone began to ring. Digging around my purse, I finally managed to get my hands on the iPhone.


“He's alive,” came the tearful voice that belonged to Greg's mother. “Greg..he's awake.”

 I turn to thank Dominic but he was no where to be found.  

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09, 2015 ⏰

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