What the fuck icy hot?!

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Bakugo's pov
We were training outside. All of 1A of course. I was grumbling under my breath as everyone went expect me and icy hot. I knew that we would have to go against one another since we're the best. But I'd never tell him that i thought he was equal to me. Nah, nevermind im better then him. Im better then everyone!

I finally got pulled out of my thoughts as people started yelling around like mad men. I looked around then noticed a pile of clothes with.. A small icy hot peeking from them.

I laughed slightly thinking i was seeing things. I slowly get up. I walk over to him then kneel. I poke his cheek with my finger. He grabbed onto it giggling. I felt people staring up at me so i looked up. My eyes saw how eveyone student had a surprised expression on their face.

Suddenly momo spoke up. "you have to take care of him bakugo!"

I furrowed my brows and let the kid icy hot continue to mess with my index finger.

"Why? Can't someone else do it?" Im really not the best parent.. And icy hot? I don't really care about but he did look like a cute kid.

"Cause he only likes you! Even deku tried" she exclaimed throwing her hands in the air with a sigh.

I looked back down at icy hot seeing him chew my finger lightly. He seemed like he was one, maybe two.

I sighed then nodded slowly. I picked him up propping him on my hip. Everyone looked like they saw a ghost as i looked at them with a bored expression. I looked down at the naked baby. Oops. I chuckled slightly then pulled off my training shirt wrapping him in it.

"Aw look, its daddy bakubro" said kirishima, i shot him a warning glare.

I felt icy hot giggle. "Daddy!" He shouted. I looked over at him with a wide eyes expression. I was surprised he had called me that.

Suddenly i knew that i haven't made the best choice. Mr. Aisawa walked towards me. "You don't have to train untill he gets back to normal. This has happened to another student before the nurse said it will only take a month or two untill he's normal." He ranted breathlessly he then called for all the kids to go back to class including icy hot and i.

I sat down, then sat icy hot down into my lap. My hands grabbed his cheeks and pulled at them slightly. He whined and squirmed. I think i could get used to baby icy hot. He was adorable. He then leaned up and grabbed my cheeks in return. I was so close to letting a growl out before he bit my nose softly.

"Hey no biting" i commanded in a firm voice. It seemed to do nothing as he bit harder. I let out a low growl and watched him plop back down into my lap.

I ruffled his hair smiling at him softly. Wait, i was smiling?! I quickly stopped ruffling his hair. He whined in disapproval and brought my hand back to his head. I sighed in defeat. He was too cute, how can i say no?

"Good boy, such a good boy.." I let out softly. I watched as his face lite up. He smiled brightly, causing my own smile to break out.

I heard gasps and whispers from behind me. I looked up noticing that most eyes of the class were on me.

Kirishima then spoke up. "Dude.. You're smiling." I looked at him confused.

"Yeah, so what? Take a picture it will last longer shitty hair!" I grumbled out my regular glare returning.

It seemed to distaste icy hot as he leaned forward and took his small baby fingers trying to move my mouth upward into a smile. I couldn't help it. I-i just couldn't. My mouth formed into a small smile. It made him so happy.. He giggled loudly and nuzzled into my chest. My arms wrapped around his small body instinctively.


(Todoroki is now 4)

I was sitting down eating with a little trouble maker in my lap. He kept jumping up and down for attention. I growled loudly making him stop immediately. I guess i was too loud since people around us gave a few weird looks. I just glared at them then flipped them off.

"Fuck off" i mumbled under my breath then took a bite of my food. This triggered icy hot to think it was okay to say it as well.

"Fuck daddy! Fuck fuck fuck! Hehe fuck daddy!" He giggled as he said that over and over.

I know he's just four but damn i wanted to spank his ass for saying that. I grabbed him then made him look up at me. "Say that again, i dare you. Go on say it"

He whimpered then looked down at his lap. He knew exactly what he was supposed to say. "I-i sorry dada.." He teared up and it made my heart break into pieces.

I wrapped my arms around him then whispered soft praises in his ear. "Its okay baby, daddy's not mad you just shouldn't say that. Understand baby?"

He nodded and sniffled wrapping his arms around my neck. I started to feed him some. It took awhile but he ate. Man when i get older i hope i have a kid like icy hot. He's not too hard to take care of and he's so cute.

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