Chapter 9: Meeting the Commander

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An hour later someone knocked at the door. Ryder. He was dressed in a white dress shirt with a black vest, and black slacks with polished shoes. He was leaning against the doorway and looked me up and down. He turned around and put his arm out. "Come," he said. I grabbed his arm and was led to the same room: the dining room. 

This time Imelda was there in a dark blue satin dress with her hair in curls. Next to her was a tall man. The commander I presumed. Merrick was seated at the far end of the table spacing me and him between Imelda, Ryder, and the commander. "Welcome. It is so nice to finally meet both of you. Please have a seat and help yourself. I apologize for you being so far away but it is for the best since today was a tense day." He said it like he was talking about the weather. Yeah my torture just another typical day at this crap hole.

 Merrick looked at me and I refused to look back. After all he's done. Seeing his body dead on the floor still haunted me. "I know you're mad at me but I need to tell you this before it's too late," he said. I looked at him. I couldn't hold back the tear that fell from my eyes. Stay strong. Don't be weak. I had to remember that but it was so hard when I felt so broken. "The hard drive I took, it has something you need to see, you need to get out of here and you need to share it and broadcast it. Please listen to me. You need to show Ryder and Imelda. You need to show Max and Everett." He grabbed my hand and I let him. 

I know I should have pushed him away but it was hard. He was still my brother despite all the things he's done. "What's on it?" I looked at him. If he wants me to do this for him I need him to be honest with me. Starting now. "This isn't real. We have all been lied to. Imelda and Ryder included. Please do this for me." He looked at me with pleading eyes and I knew this was very important. What could be so important that he'd betray his family, his own blood relative and join the establishment? I took the hard drive from him. "Good. There is a car out back you need to get in the elevator and you need to go to the garage and get out of here,"he said. "What about you?" I looked at him but his eyes said it all.

 I needed to stay strong. This was his way of making it up to me and the rebels. Before we could continue our discrete discussion the commander intervened. "I am afraid I have been impolite. My name is Rordan Domhnall, I am the Commander of this faction and happen to be the first of the six on the council." He pea cocked his chest as he said it. Proud son of a- "I've heard that you don't have any fears. Is my daughter correct with what she has said about you? Miss... Murkin? Is it?" He looked as if he was trying to catch me and Imelda in a lie. I looked at her and her head was down. She wouldn't make contact with me. 

This would be my chance to get back at her for torturing me but at the same time I would be taking myself down with her. "She is correct." I looked straight into his eyes. No fear. Nothing but anger. He nodded his head. "Very well. Your brother has been of great help to the establishment and council," he said, Merrick winced. The commander noticed it. "Or should I say he was-" Before I could even notice what he meant he pulled out his gun and fired it at my brother. Merrick shoved me out of the line of fire and took the bullet. His head shot back and his blood spit at my face and on my clothes. I stood still and then it all came out. I screamed bloody murder and the pain I felt in my nightmares all came to life. This was real. He was really dead. 

Imelda and Ryder both bolted from their chairs in shock of what happened. The commander smiled and sat back down to finish his food. Run. Get out. Go. I ran out of the room with the hard drive. His last request would be fulfilled. I ran and before I knew it I was in the garage like he said to do. I hopped into the car. The keys on the dashboard. 

I turned the car on but I had never driven. Ryder knocked on the door. "Scoot over." He opened the driver's door and I scooted into the passenger's seat. What was he doing? Is he... helping me? "Don't," he said. He clicked a button and the garage opened and then he pressed the gas pedal. It was dark and he was driving so fast I could only see blurs. 

"Why? Why are you helping me?" I looked at him. His eyes stayed on the road. "I don't know. It felt... right." He shrugged his shoulders and kept driving. "We will be at the rebels' base in two hours at most going through secret passageways." That's all I needed to hear and I fell asleep.


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