Spending the day with Prime

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(Jeticy P.O.V.)

Today my parents are out on patrol. So they left me with Optimus. No offense but he is kinda boring. I was in his office in my play pen. He was doing paper work and I was playing with my toys.

I play with my plushy of a cat. So I wasn't paying attention of what was going on around me. Next thing I new is that I got picked up by Optimus.

I look at him with curious optics. He picks up a bottle from his desk and puts it by my mouth. I'm still getting use to the taste of energon.

It has a sweetened taste to it. But I'm starting to like it. Once I finish I yawn tiredly. Why does it always make me sleepy after drinking it.

I don't want to sleep yet I want to play. But my sparkling side of me got the better of me and I was slowly falling asleep. It did not help that Optimus was rocking me as well.

I soon fell asleep and Optimus put me in my crib he had in his office. He went back to work once he made sure I was fine.

Later I woke up and yawned. And looked around the room and seen optimus reading a data pad. My parents must not be back yet.

I look around the crib and see my favorite toy my stuffed kitty. I love it so much I take it every where I go. I hear the door open and I look and see Ratchet walk in. He looks at me and smiles lightly and looks at Optimus.

"How is Jeticy doing so far Optimus" He asks Prime. " she is doing well sshe just woke up from her nap" Optimus says.

Ratchet nods and comes over to me and picks me up. He scans me making sure I am healthy. I still dont like the scanner it feels weird.

Ratchet sets me on Optimus desk and looks at him. "Prowl and Jazz are on their way back now they found some energon" Ratchet says.

Optimus nods and looks at me "thank you for telling me Ratchet". Ratchet nods and leaves and heads back to the medbay.

A little bit later the door opens again and I see my parents come in. I smile and squeal at them and reach for them.

They smile and Prowl picks me up and holds me close. "She wasnt much trouble was she Optimus" Jazz asks him.

"she was no trouble she was nice the whole time" Optimus says. Papa and sire nod and look at me and smile.

" she is a little angel never causes trouble until she has to take a bath" Jazz says. I pout lightly at that and think 'im not that bad i just dont like baths'.


sorry for taking so long to update but school homework caught up to me.

~Jeticy (Abbie)

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