The Re-Sorting

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3rd POV:

The stadium filled with a scream from Fleur Delacor.

"For God's sake Dumbledore, what's happened?" Fudge asked.

Harry Potter was leaning over Cedric Diggory's dead body, weeping his hydration away.

"He's back! He's back! Voldemort's back! Cedric, he asked me to bring his body back. I couldn't leave him, not there!" Harry cried. Dumbledore came to the sobbing boy.

"It's all right, Harry, it's all right. He's home, you both are." Dumbledore said, patting Harry on the back and rubbing circles. Fudge quickly rushed over to Professor McGonogall and Professor Snape,

"Keep everybody in their seats, a boy has just been killed! The body must be moved, Dumbledore, there are too many people!" Amos Diggory, who was Cedric's father, frantically rushed through the crowd.

"Let me through. Let me through! Let me through, that's my son! That's my boy!"

He pushed Harry off of Cedric and sobbed over Cedric, holding him close.


Harry sat on the swing in the playground, wearing his favorite shirt. The blue one with the black collar. Harry watched as a mother told her children it was time to go home, and took their hand, the children asking if they had to and the mother saying yes.

"He squealed like a pig, didn't he?" Said one of the boys in Dudley's gang.
"Yeah! Brilliant punch, Big D! Did you see his face?" Complimented another boy.
"Hey Big D. Beat up another ten-year-old?" Harry called.
"This one deserved it." Dudley said. 'yeah' echoed the gang of boy behind him.
"Five against one, very brave." Harry said, sarcastically.
"Well, you're one to talk. Moaning in your sleep every night? At least i'm not afraid of my own pillow." Dudley chuckled.

"Don't kill Cedric! Who's Cedric? Your boyfriend?" Dudley asked.
"Shut up." Harry said, the memory flashing in his head, his adam's apple bobbing.

"'He's going to kill me, Mum!' Where is your mum? Where's your mum, Potter? She dead?" Dudley said. The words etched in Harry.

"Is she dead?" Dudley yelled. Harry jumped up.
"Is she dead, Pott-" Harry held his wand to Dudley's throat. Dudley swallowed and got quiet but his gang continued to laugh at, what seemed like a stick, to Dudley's throat. But the wind started to blow and it suddenly got very, very dark. Everyone looked up and around them.

"Dudley, Dudley lets go." One of them said.
"What's going on? What are you doing?" Dudley asked.

"I'm not doing anything!" Harry claimed.

"We're getting out of here, Dudley." One of his members said.
"Come on, Dudley, hurry up!" The last one of them to leave called.

Dudley and Harry began to run, they we're both planning on going back to the Dursley's, but stopped at an archway to stay dry, both breathing heavy. The light began to flicker and it got very cold. Harry looked up and a dementor was over top of him. It pinned him to the wall by the neck. Dudley went straight against a wall.

"Dudley! Run!" Harry warned. Dudley did run, but he slipped and was caught by another dementor who pinned him to the ground. Both dementors began to suck the happiness out of both boys. Harry was able to grab his wand, which was in his pocket, and cast the Patronus charm.

"Expecto Patronum!" He shouted. Harry ran to Dudley, who was still on the ground until he heard footsteps at the other end of the archway. He looked up and saw a woman, he slowly put his wand away.

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