Chapter Seven

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TW: Mentions of suicide in chapter

Hanako then smiled at me, and took my hand as we ran down the stairs together. 

༶•┈┈⛧┈♛Y/N POV ♛┈⛧┈┈•

It felt quite nice getting close to Hanako-kun, though, he's quite mysterious... 

"Y/N!" Hanako shouted.

"Hm?" I muttered.

"After school do you want to visit the Mokke-Chan?"

Mokke-chan?.. Mokke-Chan... 


"Sure Hanako-Kun!" I replied as he took my hand and led me outside, probably to where the Mokke-Chan are. We then sat down under the shady comfort of a tree. I smiled a bit, trying my best to be polite and calm in front of the pink devil- I mean Mokke-Chan. Despite most of my life being awful, sometimes its something I can enjoy. I mean, despite my idiot drunk stepdad, life is fine. Though, it sucks my mom always takes his stupid side. Most of the time, I'm fine if I don't upset him. But even when I am as polite and kind as I can be, he always finds something wrong. But who knows, maybe he will get better, maybe not. I sighed as I leaned my head against the tree. The wind does feel nice... I like the chills I get when it blows, its oddly calming. 

Its kind of odd, how I can switch up personalities so fast. In one second, I could be horrified, the next I could be as calm as Armin, even getting lost in a book. 

I mean, sure, I literally asked a ghost to kill me and I have under a month left to live, but he also promised me he would make it the best month ever. I have no regrets with my decision, and I shouldn't have any either. 

"Hey- Y/N? you okay? You're more quiet than usual." Hanako state.

"No shit Sherlock- I am merely trying to relax and think about life." I replied in a sarcastic sort of tone. 

Hanako then made the fakest pouty face I think I've ever seen. "We cant think about life together?" He questioned.

"It depends what type of thinking about life together, firstly, if you mean having a future with me, that's impossible. Secondly, if you actually want to think about life, go ahead, no ones stopping you ghosty boy." I gave him a slight smile.

He must have though the nickname was weird or something, because his face turned bright red. 

"Fine! whatever.. human girl!"

I then let out a slight chuckle and what he chose to call me, He tried a little too hard with that. And I don't mind, I find it funny. Actually.. forget Hanako-Kun. His new nickname will forever be Ghosty Boy!

"Whatever you say, ghosty boy!" I laughed as I got up. I then threw a leaf on his head, because why not? Who doesn't like being assaulted with leaves? Someone weird, that's who. 

"Oh you're gonna pay for that, Y/N!" He yelled, as e got up and started to chase me.

I ran through the school garden, luckily there was no students present, that would be difficult to explain. I continued to run, occasionally jumping over a few rocks or branches along the way. I eventually got to the gate as I quickly crossed the boarder which separates the school and normal life. I then stuck out my tongue, and closed my eyes putting my nose up in the air.

"No fair! I cant leave the school and you know that Y/N!" He again, did the fakest put I have ever seen. 

"That's good! you cant catch me now ghosty boy!"

I then chuckled, walking back inside the school area so Hanako and I could make physical contact again- or whatever. I then walked up to him and held his hand, because, why not? Who doesn't want to hold a dead persons hand? I mean, I know who does want too-


Hanako blushed at my sudden action, but I didn't take much to thought. I gave him another slight smile and then continued walking. I have no idea where we are going, but it is honestly kind of fun hanging out with Hanako-Kun.. Its also just nice to have a friend like this, I've been alone most my life, relying on my cousins to do almost everything. But if I've survived this long with no friends, it will be nice to spend my last month with some. "Ghosty boy~ You're blushing!" I said in a flirty tone. "I'm not! you should be the one blushing for being able to hold my hand!" He spat back. I again, giggled because why not, and continued walking. 

"So, Y/N....."


"About your wish.... why.. why would you wish for death?.. and murder upon someone?"

"well.. to put it simple... I just don't feel like killing myself." I stated, pretty bluntly.

"But Y/N, you need to remember.. people care for you.. I care for you"

"Well that's sweet ghosty boy!.. LAST ONE TO THE BATHROOM CLEANS THE TOILETS!" I yelled, trying to change the subject.

I then ran towards the bathroom, Hanako-Kun not to far behind me. 

I.. obviously, made it to the bathroom first, meaning no toilet cleaning for me! I am very proud of this achievement, therefore I deserve something sweet. I waited in the bathroom for like 10 seconds, and Hanako finally arrived. 

"Jeeze Hanako... I could've finished One Piece within the time you took to get here~" I said in a more playful tone. Not that I actually finished One Piece though... that shit would take forever.. I don't have that time in my life.

"What is One Piece?"

"Nothing important. Anyway, when you were alive what types of things did you like to do?"

" I mainly took interest in space, I really wanted to be an astronaut..... but that clearly didn't happen.. I also liked science! what about you? What do you like?" 

"I Enjoy reading manga and watching anime, I really enjoyed F/A (Favorite Anime that's not TBHK) though." I replied. 

"Oh, that sounds nice I guess" Hanako-Kun replied.

"Yeah, its super interesting! Its about: ........" I replied in an excited tone, people don't usually ask about my hobbies, and when they do, I usually come up with quite the answer. 

"I guess that sounds interesting, Y/N.. not exactly my type though" 

"I completely understand!~ I mean, you've probably been a ghost for a few decades so I'm not even shocked you wouldn't take such an interest."

Hanako-Kun replied with a simple chuckle, even ill admit, its nice getting to know him, even though I did not think I would bond with a ghost.

"The suns setting.. I should really head home.." I said in a sad tone.

"Y/N. wait. before you go..." He stopped, as he grabbed my hand. 

"Promise we can do this everyday? Just until your death day?"

"I promise... Hanako-Kun"

Hiii everyone! Here's a chapter with a decent amount of words! This is a quick notice before I do, but I am going to change the name of this book to Ghosty Boy, and edit the description just a little bit. I believe it would just seem more professional, and ill also be changing the cover. I'm sorry if these chapters are too short, I usually type them at nighttime, and if I can keep a consistent schedule of a chapter a night, that would be nice. So ill try to do a chapter  night, if not my apologies!

Important part: Changing name to Ghosty Boy, editing description.

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