The Seven Identical Doors

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July 24th: the day I saw the seven identical doors. I was taking a little walk around my neighborhood on a summer night. It was 9:30 PM, already a little dark out. The night felt different- the way the breeze went thought my hair, getting tangled in my face- how dim the stars were. Turns! out, the night was different than any other summer night.

Once I reached the end of my driveway, it all happened. I was about to turn right when I heard a voice from above and saw seven identical doors floating down.

"These seven doors lead to seven different places. Their location is printed on the top of each door. Choose wisely..." the strange voice said and faded away. The doors went to different places from Narnia to Hogwarts to Middle Earth, but I wasn't very sure what all the places were like. Then, I saw a door labeled "Neverland" and remembered something about never growing old in Neverland. I thought it would be pretty cool to be 13 for the rest of my life.

I walked suspiciously towards the door labeled "Neverland", taking small and gradual steps. When I finally opened the door and took one step, I fell into a black hole. Screaming at the top of my lungs, covering my head and face, it felt like I was falling for hours- slow, scary, strange hours. After what felt like a lifetime, I hit the bottom on the hole, remaining uninjured. I sat there, scared, wondering what would happen.

It was bright, but lonely, considering I was by myself. All that was there was a bathroom, bed, and unlimited amounts of food, clothes, paper, and pens. There was nothing to do, no one to take to. The door was a trap, scam, mean, dirty trick. The voice from above did warn me "choose wisely". Did that mean I would be down here forever? By myself? 13 years old...forever? I couldn't. But it ends up being true, me being down here, in the hole, forever. I've been down here ever since that summer night- July 24th, 2012- 9:30PM. I haven't heard from the mysterious voice anymore, in fact, I haven't heard from anyone anymore, just my own thoughts.

You might be wondering where I'm writing this from. Well, I told you there's paper down here. I'm writing from this lonely hole, to give you advice. If you are presented with these seven identical doors, run away.

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