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Callie has made a group chat
Callie has added Reu.RA, BadBoySupremeValdez, Annie.Chase, DoctorWill, GhostKing, Pineconeface.Grace, Superman.Grace, GoldenHazel, FaiZhang, Queen_RARA, GroverUnderwood, Beauty.Queen_pipes, Stoll_your.wallet, Stoll_your.phone, TheOfficalHermes, OfficalArtemis, TheSun, KingZeus, TheHades, Poseidon(Sea), MissHestia, QueenHera, AthenaOffical, AresGod.ofWar, LovelyAphrodite, GoddessofAgriculture, and Under_Persephone_world

Callie-What's wrong Reuben?

Reu.RA-Percy's Phone is here, but Percy isn't.


KingZeus-Where is he then?

MissHestia-I know

Callie-What? Lady Hestia where is Percy?

MissHestia-Scotland, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

Poseidon(Sea)-I should have known he would go to Hogwarts after the war ended. I mean he would have wanted to see his siblings again.

BadBoySupremeValdez-Wait a minute what?


Poseidon(Sea)-Yes, you see almost 39 years ago now, well I was bored really, I went to Hestia and asked if I could go down to the wizarding world in Britain. Hestia said yes and nine months later I was born James Charlus Potter on March 27th of 1960. Then 11 years later I met my best friends, two of which are still my best friendship this day, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, and Peter Pettigrew. I also met Lily Evans, my wife.

TheSun-Woah wait a minute Uncle P, your married?

Poseidon(Sea)-I am, now Lily was friends with Severus Snape, who I am not ashamed for bullying because he called her a mudblood. After six long years of trying to win over Lily's heart she fell for me. Now when I skipped I missed a part of the story. Myself and my friends were illegal Animagus, the reason why is because Remus is a werewolf and when we found out in our Second year we were determined to not have him be alone on full moon nights, and three years later we finally found out how to turn into our Animagus forms. We made the marauders map, which is a map of the school that shows where everyone is and what they are doing at any time of the day. A few months after we started dating Lily fell pregnant with my first born son Cameron Jon Spencer Potter born March 14th of 1976. A few months after that we graduated and a year later we got married. A year later we found out we would be having a second boy, we decided on the name Dillon Thomas Sage Kenji Potter he was born on June 20th of 1978. Now the reason why neither Cam or Dill were the one that the prophecy revolved around was because they both had a stronger Magical core than a Demi-god one. Then two years after Dillon was born we found out we were expecting again, this time though was a surprise as we found out we were expecting Quadruplets and all four of them were boys the oldest of the four was born on July 31st of 1980 at 11:31pm, the second was born on July 31st of 1980 at 11:49pm, the third was born on July 31st of 1980 at 11:59pm, and finally the fourth was born on August 1st of 1980 at 12:02am. We named the oldest Perseus Achilles James Potter, the second oldest Matthew Ruben Potter, the third Hadrian Orion Sirius Devin Potter, and the fourth Harley Anthony Malcom Potter. A few months after they were born a prophecy appeared saying "The one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord approaches... born to those who have thrice defied him, born as the seventh month dies... and the Dark Lord will mark him as his equal, but he will have power the Dark Lord knows not... and either must die at the hand of the other for neither can live while the other survives... the one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord will be born as the seventh month dies...." which meant that it could have been one of four boys Percy, Matt, Harry, or Neville Longbottom, who was born on July 30th. So we went into hiding, when we found out that the Longbottoms were tortured to insanity we decided to change out secret keeper to Peter instead of Sirius, but we didn't tell anyone of this. A week after doing this on Halloween night Voldemort attacked us and made Harry the boy-who-lived. It was thought that both myself and Lily had died beside Dumbledore had taken Harry and Matt to Lily's sister, who I never liked, but Remus had managed to get to Percy and Harley. Now obviously since the prophecy revolves around Percy you will know that he had a stronger Demi-god core than Cam, Dill, and Matt. Harry had a pretty evened out magical core and Demi-god core but then Voldemort attack and his magical core became much more stronger. Both Percy and Harley have stronger Demi-god cores than magical cores, Don't get me wrong they are both great with a wand just better with a sword. We knew that it was danger to stay in Britain so we moved to America, and also moved time period ms to where we were back in present time, where Harley's god father lived, but it was also a danger to keep Harley since now monsters would be coming for Harley and Percy, so we gave Harley to his godfather hoping he would be safer with him, it was after this that I found out Sirius was thrown into Azkaban for rating myself and Lily out, even though he wasn't out Secret keeper. Lily changed her name to her grandmother's first name of Sally and her mother's maiden name of Jackson. Which makes Lily Potter, Sally Jackson. And to protect Percy for when he started going to Hogwarts we made his name Perseus Jackson. We had five more children after that two sets of twins and a singular child Conrad Lucian Tripp Shepherd Potter and his twin brother Barrett Vance Gatlin Wesson Potter, who were born on December 31st of 1981, were sent to Norway where they were taken care of by my older brother Robert Potter. Sara Lilian Potter, who was born on October 26th of 1982, was sent to live with Dillon with Noelle Walters in the Netherlands. Arabella Brooke Potter and Hallie Natasha Remi Potter, who were born on April 16th of 1984, were sent to live with Hallie and Dillon's godfather. And finally Cam was sent to live with his godmother in Russia where she had to leave him by hisself a lot actually. Everything was okay until June 16th of 2009, Sally and Percy went to Britain to see if she could convince Dumbledore to take back Harry and Matt, well they never made it to Hogwarts because while they were walking there it turned to night and it was a full moon, a werewolf came out of nowhere and bit Percy causing him to now turn into a werewolf on every full moon just like his godfather Remus Lupin. Also Remus and Sirius know that I'm Poseidon.

TheOfficalHermes-so wait Percy is a werewolf, and he still manages to do everything he does!?

TheSun-That was a great story, so do Conrad, Barrett, Sara, Arabella, and Hallie all have stronger Demi-god cores than magical cores?

Poseidon(Sea)-Conrad and Barrett have a pretty evened out magical and Demi-god core, Sara has a stronger magical core, Bella has a stronger magical core, and Hallie has a stronger Demi-god core.

GhostKing-Not to be rude or anything but did you and Sally go at it like fucking rabbits, because Sally also had Estelle, Grace, Jamie, and Charlus with Paul.


Callie-So should I add Sally to this group chat?

Queen_RARA-Wait, Sally has Instagram?

BadBoySupremeValdez-Yeah, myself and Callie follow her.

OfficalArtemis-Sally is my favorite mortal

Pineconeface.Grace-ok wait, so we have to go all the way to fucking Scotland to get Percy?

Annie.Chase-sounds like it

GoldenHazel-Callie you added Annabeth?

Callie-I did? I didn't mean to.


This picture is adorable

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This picture is adorable. Sorry I got distracted.

DoctorWill-That is an adorable picture 🥰

GhostKing-That was when Estelle graduated from Pre-K, smartest little girl I know. Wait where is Sally, Paul, Estelle, Grace, Jamie, and Charlus?

Reu.RA-their not here either though it looks like they were all packing so I'm guessing probably with Percy. Also you do know that you can call Charlus "Cholly" right? that's what they call him.

GhostKing-It sounds stupid so I don't want to, I will come up with a nickname for him.

Queen_RARA-Do we have to buy a plane ticket or can you take us there Lord Poseidon?

Poseidon(Sea)-It's about time I pay a visit to Sirius and Remus, I mean Remus is married and has a son now, (A/N: I don't want to kill them) I will take you there.

FaiZhang-oh thank gods I don't have the money to buy a plane ticket!

Callie-Aww it's ok Frank

Annie.Chase-so we are going to Scotland?

Queen_RARA-Yes, but has Percy forgave you? If he has you can come, but you're not bring that boyfriend of yours.

Annie.Chase-Percy forgave me awhile ago.

GroverUnderwood-I don't think I can come, update me on what is happening with Percy please.

Pineconeface.Grace-of course Grover

GroverUnderwood-thank you Thalia

I'm going to Washington today, June 24th 2021, for my Granny's wedding so I don't know how often I will be able to update this book or any of my others. I will be there till June 29th, 2021.

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