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Aniylah sat in her history class, with her natural mug plastered across her face.

Her AirPods were attached to her ears, as she listened to one of her favorite songs—Eternal Sunshine by Jhenè Aiko.

After all the things Aniylah had went through, at just seventeen. Music and smoking, were the only things that kept her sane.

Over the past ten years Aniylah had been diagnosed with—Social Anxiety, Selective Mutism, PTSD and lastly, Bipolar Depression.

Even though Aniylah suffered with all of those disorders, she still refused to take her pills. They made her feel weak and uncomfortable, and she strongly hated that feeling.

Aniylah's mother has been trying to get her to see a therapist, but Aniylah refused. She didn't feel comfortable speaking to anyone about what she had been through.

Her thoughts were interrupted, as she noticed her teacher repeatedly banging on her desk, while yelling.

Aniylah removed her AirPods from her ears, where she was instantly met with yelling.

"ANIYLAH I HAVE BEEN SPEAKING TO YOU FOR THE PAST FIVE MINUTES." Aniylah's history teacher—Ms James yelled in her face, her breath was extremely unpleasant.

"I'm sorry, I kinda zoned out." Aniylah replied in her naturally soft voice.

"Since you weren't paying attention, In which year was slavery abolished?" Ms James asked. As if it was the most difficult question in the world.

"In 1865," Aniylah nonchalantly replied, with a slight shrug. She didn't really care about this class, and she was now ready to leave.

Ms James rolled her eyes, before walking back to the front of the classroom in defeat.

Soon after the bell rang, and Aniylah let out a sigh of relief. She quickly gathered all of her things, before leaving the classroom.

Usually Aniylah would leave school during the lunch period, to buy lunch. But today she didn't have an appetite, she just wanted to day to be over.

For Aniylah to be seventeen, she's never had a boyfriend. Never had her first kiss, she never even had friends—or anything of that sort.

What happened to Aniylah in the past, really scarred her for life. It made it very hard for her to trust people.

Because there was always something in the back of her mind, telling her that everyone wanted to hurt her.

Sometimes the only thing Aniylah longed for, was a person that she could talk to—about everything.

Someone that could be her safe space, to help her escape the pain from life itself.

But with Aniylah having social anxiety, she found it hard to speak, in the littlest situations.

But she'll outgrow it—hopefully.


School was now over, and Aniylah had just arrived home. As soon as she walked into her house she went up into her room.

Before taking off her outside clothes. And taking a seat on her bed.

Aniylah leaned over to her nightstand, and took out a pre-rolled blunt from her drawer.

She lit the blunt, before putting it up to her lips. Where she then inhaled.

As she exhaled she felt all the built up tension and stress, slowly release from her body.

Aniylah ended up smoking three blunts in total, smoking was her therapy in a sense.

She began feeling hungry, so she went downstairs into the kitchen. To see what she found.

She ended up deciding to take some hot cheetos, and some doritos. Along with A tall glass of apple juice.

As Aniylah was about to head back upstairs, she heard the front door open and it then revealed her mother.

"Hi niylah," she smiled, expecting Aniylah to be happy to see her. But that wasnt the case.

"hi," Aniylah simply responded, she was already over this conversation and it didn't even start just yet.

"How was school," she asked with the widest smile on her face, and that confused Aniylah.

Because she was acting as if she cared, when this was the first time Aniylah had seen her in almost two weeks.

"Good," Aniylah dryly replied, Aniylah had no interest in this conversation, and it was beginning to show.

"Alright I'm gonna get some sleep. I'll see you tomorrow, love you." She spoke, realizing that Aniylah had no interest in the conversation.

"Love you too," Aniylah replied softly, she didn't believe that her mother loved her. Her actions didn't seem like it at all.

When Aniylah made it back into her room, she locked her door. Before sitting down on her bed, and eating her snacks.

As she finished eating her snacks, she quickly disposed her garbage.

Before stripping out of her clothes, and walking into her connected bathroom.

She placed her dirty clothes into the clothes hamper, before doing her skincare routine. When she was finished she made her way into the shower, which she stayed in for about fifteen minutes.

When she was finished showering, she ended up putting on some Nike pros, and a tank top. Since she was going to sleep.

She then proceeded to pick up her TV remote, where she went straight to Disney Plus and began playing ANT Farm.

She threw all of her extra pillows on the floor, leaving only the pillow she slept with, and her blanket on her bed.

When she was done she took off her lights, and made sure he phone was charging.

When all of that was completed, she finally laid down on her pillow, and in less than five minutes she was asleep.

wc: 908words


Hey besties, let's get straight into it.

Thoughts on Aniylah?
Thoughts on Aniylah's mother?
Thoughts on Aniylah's mental health condition?

Overall Thoughts on this chapter, and the way it was rewritten?

Overall Thoughts on this chapter, and the way it was rewritten?

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