Part Seven

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Her eyes widened in surprise and horror to see Colin wielding magick. Not only that, but he had attacked her. She was ultimately hurt, confused, "What are you doing?"

His expression wasn't malevolent, but his voice was dark, "I'm trying to kill you."

She took the time of his diabolical admission to stand, her heart spiking in fear. But before she could speak or do anything he thrust another bright purple ball toward her. Instead of catching it, she absorbed it. She was just as shocked as he was, both of their mouths falling agape as they stared at each other. But Iris broke the silence. "Why...?" she breathed.

He shook off the disbelief and paced, "Because if you don't die, I will."

Without further ado he stopped and threw out his hands. His violet power shot out toward her, but before the beam could hit her she threw out her own, her blue power meeting his. She screamed in effort, the exertion taxing, and eventually his power won out. The beam lifted her off the ground, surging into her. She shut her eyes tight in pain, unable to see the lack of determination in Colin's eyes. But soon she screamed louder and used the little strength she had left to burst her energy from within herself to disintegrate the beam of purple. She fell to the ground, weak.

He moved closer to her, "You really are powerful."

She moved back against a tree, her breathing raged, her mind reeling, "What... do you mean you'll die?"

He flexed his shining hands, "The King cursed me. He wants you dead, and I'm the one he chose to do it."

She tried to process what he said, but her adrenaline and fear of death acted for her as she projected a ball of blue energy up at him. He caught it within his hands, "You're not the only one who can do this," he spoke, then threw it back at her. The energy hit her, incapacitating her; her own power was against her. She groaned, "It was you?"

"It was," he stated simply before he suddenly lunged at her. She tried to crawl away but he flipped her onto her back, attacking her with his hands. She fought back, attempting to stop them from going to her throat, but he won out and his hand clapped around her neck. She tried to remove it, choking, but it was fruitless. "I'm sorry it had to be this way," he rasped, then he went for his belt and removed a dagger.

He poised it above her chest, something akin to regret in his eyes, and she choked out three words, "Was it real?"

He paused, stunned, "What?"

He loosened his grip on her throat just enough for her to speak, "Our night together."

Sincerity flashed across his face, "Yes." And then he moved to plunge the knife in.

She screamed and once again gathered all her power. A burst of light encompassed her body and emanated outward, shooting him across the clearing, where he fell onto his back. She gasped, her head spinning, as she allowed herself to simply lay there. So it had been real, she thought, there were feelings involved, so why was he doing this? He must truly not want to die. But she understood, life was worth living.

She turned her head to see that he too was simply laying on the ground, conscious, and she wondered why he had given up. Perhaps he realized she was too powerful. She decided to question, "Why did you kill my mother?"

He didn't look at her, staring up at the overhanging branches, "She had been gathering a coven. You were meant to be their dark horse. She planned on attacking the palace. I had to get her out of the way. I meant to kill you both that night."

She looked back up to the sky as well, thinking, "I didn't know she had those plans. Why kill me when I was ignorant?"

"Because you were destined to kill the King. I know how much you despise him, and he knows as well."

She thought further. Yes, she hated him, but did she have it in herself to execute such a thing? "You despise him as well, don't you?"

He sighed and answered reluctantly, "I do."

"Then let me say one thing."

He chose then to look at her, "What might that be?"

She looked back at him, their eyes connecting, "I can help you."

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