004: Tears of the Ocean ⸝⸝ 2/2

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(A/N) This is Part 2 :3

Enjoy bebes ♡


"There are to be thunderous storms for the next two days, so I advise to be cautious of your surroundings and-"


Another clash of thunder roared with a strike of lightning, interrupting the meteorologist on the news broadcast. The rain began to pound harder on the windows and ceiling as harsh winds began to rustle the leaves on trees.

Gon flinched with another boom of thunder. "Wow, it's really raining down out there."

That was an understatement.

The lights began to flicker, and it signalled Gon that he get some candles ready just in case the power were to go out.

He puts candles in the kitchen, his room (leaving the door open) and the living room. The last place that's occupied is the bathroom. Gon makes his way to there, candle and match in tow before he opens the door with a smile.

When he opens the door, he expects to see Killua raise his head from underneath the other, or him perched at the edge of the tub with a purr.

Instead, there was nothing like that, and the smile dropped from Gon's face.


The merboy was frantic.

Curling in on himself as he used his arms to hold his head as he looked around the bathroom in a panic. He was trembling, and as another sound off of thunder rumbled, his tail jumped, causing a puddle of water to splash onto the floor.

Gon sets the candle on the sink, walking to his shivering love with a reassuring smile. Kneeling down beside the tub, being careful not to touch Killua as he might lash out at him in this state, he says calmly and carefully:

"Shhh, Killua, it's okay."

Gon tries to calm his panic whimpers and growls. He doesn't listen, only becoming more erratic and restless in the tub, splashing water onto the floor. It was as if he was trying to escape the storm, but he couldn't.

Gon places a hand on his shoulder to stop his squirming, frowning as Killua screeched and threw his hand off before looking at with wide shocked eyes and constricted pupils. His nails really dig into his hand; Gon feels the pain from where they were indented in but he ignores it.

"Killua, are you scared of storms?" He asked an obvious question as he now has Killua's attention. It takes a few moments before he receives a nod as an answer and a whine.

Gon frowns. He really wants to hug and hold Killua, but with him in the water and Gon himself not wanting to get wet (even though his clothes already were with him kneeling in the pond of water), there wasn't much that can be done.


"AHA!" Gon shouts joyously as he comes with a conclusion, shocking Killua in the process and making him jump in the tub. Gon blushed with a sheepish smile: "Sorry Killua..."

Standing up, Gon grabs a two towels out of the cabinets. He uses the first one to mop up the water on the floor and places the second one around his neck and shoulders.

Killua just watches him quietly.

Once done, Gon puts the towel away in the hamper for dirty washcloths, and goes back over to the tub.

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