Chapter 26

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No proofreading.
Forgive my grammatical errors.


What Happened?
Asked Forth from Beam when he found him restless searching something in corridor.

He called grimley.

Forth was angry seeing Beam like this.

He held his both shoulders and looked straight into his eyes.

What Happened Baby?
He asked gently.

Beam bite his lower lip which Forth wanted to pull out badly.

I couldn't find my sketch book P.
He answered with a lone tear in his eyes.

Forth wipe that tear from his cheek by his thumb.

The one which has your blueprints?
Asked Forth slowly.

Beam answer with a nod.

That's important P'Forth.
Beam told Forth that how precious that sketch book for him.

Forth comb his hair back and pull his chin up by his thumb.

When was the last time you sketched something?
He asked making every student and people at corridor amused seeing head hazer this loving towards someone.

May be at Beach but i did packed that book in my bag P.
He answered worriedly.

Ok..calm down.
Forth sushed him and nod to Lam.

Lam gave his water bottle to him.

Drink it.
And go to your class.
I'll search your book before college Okay?
He said and Beam nod.

And... Don't be sad hmm.
He again said.

Beam nod confirming what Forth asked.

Forth lightly pat his head. are getting late for your  first class.
He said and drop Beam at his class door.

Beam was attending his classes when his classmate approached him.

Hey Beam...
Nate called her.

Yes Nate.
He answer.

Can you give me notes of Calculus.
I forget to complete my assignment.
She asked politely.

Beam thinly smile.
Yeah sure.

He passed his notes to her.

Professor Auntie asked you to meet her after classes.
She informed.

he left his seat to meet professor before going home.

Beam knocked at staff room door.

Come in.
He heard from inside.

Swadee khaa.
He waied and she nod.

Oh Nong Beam.
She called and opened his drawer.

She passed Beam's sketch book to him.

Beam eyes got wide  with happiness.
He hurriedly took his book and hugged that to his chest.

How...i mean....this...
He asked.

Oh i found this book at library.
Probably you forgot it there.
She said and Beam thanked her.

Yes madam Director, i returned that book to him.
Professor auntie answered her phone immediately after Beam left.

Tha lady on other side smile warmly and cut the call just to dial someone else phone.

I passed sketch book to your Snow White, Tae.
Grandma Belle inform her beloved grandson.

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