Chapter 5

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Demontae jarel carter aka dee (20) 📍 Birmingham al

1 week later

I came in the house and seen mama laying on the couch.

"Ma where sky I haven't seen her at home in a while" I asked.

Skylar is dee little sister btw*

"I kicked her ass out she lost her job being ignorant and think she finna live here rent free" mama explained.

I got out my phone and called her

"Wassup bro." Said sky. "Hey why you ain't tell me ma kicked you out? You could of stayed  with me" I asked

"I'm staying with liyah and Salem" she said .

"Ight I'm otw over there" I said hanging up.

I get there and see liyah, sa and sky playing kick ball in the front.

These mfs like some big ass kids.

"Hey babyyyy" liyah ran over to me hugging and kissing me.

"BABYYYyyyYY!?" Sky asked looking confused .

"Oh I forgot to tell you sis but liyah my girl" I said.

"Wait y'all siblings ?" Liyah and sa asked at the same time.

"Yea this my big head ass brother" sky said pushing my head.

"Aye mf stop" I said pinching her shoulder.

"Ow boy!" She yelled

"Don't be hurting our bestie" liyah said hugging sky.

"Y'all aggravate my soul...but how y'all get fired?" I asked .

"Yo ex." Sky said

"My ex? Talm bout yoni?" I asked

"No ho tailar" sky said.

"Wtf she do ?" I asked
"Came to our job tryna check me so we got to fighting and her side kicks decided to jump in so we was all in that mf fighin" Liyah explained

"Damn bro me and that bitch ain't been together in a whole year now she fighting my girl and my lil sisters? Oh fn"

I got out my phone and called this ho

"Aye bro why tf you coming up to my girl job starting shit wit her and my folks?" I asked
"Bitch ass nigga check yo ho's they had a lot of mouth" she said " watch yo mouth don't go fucking wit my family and my girl cause I don't fw you at all so idk why you try so hard to get to me" I said . "Bye monte" she said and hung up.

"That ho weird" sa said.

"Very" Liyah followed.

"Ight bro y'all be safe and call me if y'all need some, y'all found a job yet?"

"Yea we actually got one the week after at the trampoline park" sky said

"That's good period as y'all should💅🏽" I said
Making them laugh and going to my car.

Zays POV'

I went in the house to see how my niecy pooh and sis was doing

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I went in the house to see how my niecy pooh and sis was doing.

"Hey bbygirl how you feeling" I said picking up Harlem.

"I'm Good uncle zay I missed you" she said kissing my eye.

"I missed you more mama where yo mama at?" I asked "she getting ready for work" Harlem said.

"Who's that har?" She said coming out the room.

"It's uncle ma" she said

"Hey sis how you feeling?" I asked

"Better I been looking for houses around this area" she said .

"Not yall tryna leave meeee" I said wit a sad tone.

"Sorry uncle I'm come over everyday ok?" Harlem comforted me while I was fake crying "ok mama you promise?" I said still fake crying.

"I promise uncle don't cry ok ?" She said while hugging me

"Ok" I said hugging and kissing her little cheeks while she was giggling. My phone started to ring

Salem😻🦋 would like to FaceTime....

"Hey mamaaa I miss you so much!" I said "I miss you more stinkaaa" she said . I hate when she call me that but it make her happy so I let it slide . "I'm coming to see you tomorrow " I said making her blush "ok stink I'll see you tomorrow I love you" "i love you more my baby" I said before hanging up.

Ok y'all that's all for this chapter it was kinda short it was 2 povs so yea

Next chapter finna be full of suprised but ima do it tomorrow cause it's 4 am 😫

Sky pov coming soon and more stuff I'm not gone spoil but stay tuned see yaaa 😝😝

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