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"Home means something you feel love and safe.

And that's me"

~~~Bae Y/n's POV

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Bae Y/n's POV

"Welcome to our house, little rose." She said as I looked around her house. I think It's too big for her, I would invite my friends to live here if I were her. A big house is kinda scary when you're alone.

I'm amazed at the interior and didn't realize that Ms. Park is in front of me making me bump at her. "Oh- S-sorry, I didn't mean to bump at you. Are you okay?" I asked her, her hand are in her pocket while her fine eyes are looking at me. Ms. Park raises her eyebrow and bends to make her face closer to me. I avoided her face because it's getting nearer and my face is feeling hot.

"What makes you beautiful?" Ms. Park asked, her eyebrows are furrowed, she looks confused. One direction?

"W-what?" I stuttered asked, I feel my cheeks to begun hotter because of her compliment.

"Are you even real?" She boldly asked and make her face closer, I can now feel her breath.

"I mean you can touch me to make sure." I sarcastically said to her, she raises her eyebrow again and her lips formed a smirk.

"Did you just allowed me to touch you?" She smugly said, I begin to panic and shake my head to say that's not what I mean but-- a loud voice interrupted her. Thank, God. I thought she's alone here.

"Chaeyoung, You finally home!-- oh who's this sexy beautiful woman beside you?" A blonde girl asked Ms. Park and winked at me, I looked down to hide my hilarious face.

"Lisa, quite flirting, she's mine!" Ms. Park sternly said I forgot my lovely father fucking sold me. I guess. Well, it looks like he did because I'm with this tall woman that dragged me here on her house.

"Oh- I thought she's our dinner." I looked at Ms. Park confused, "I-I mean she will be with u-us our dinner, right?" Lisa asked as Ms. Park nodded to her. I looked at the blonde girl, she smiles at me. An awkward smile? No-- it's a nervous smile. "I'm gonna go to Jennie-unnie and Jisoo-unnie to inform them that you're here," Lisa said and immediately leave.

Awkward silence is being formed in our atmosphere. "I know you're tired because of your day, let's go to our room." Ms. Park said and started to walk. Wait--WHAT? Our room?! Are we gonna share the same room?

"Hey, Hey, what do you mean by our room? Are we gonna share the same room?"

"And same bed." Ms. Park added and climb the stairs, I followed her as I stepped to the stairs carefully to avoid tripping. I imagine being tripped to these stairs that send to roll and die to it. I'm paranoid, I know.

Ms. Park opened the room and removed her blazer, and hung it to the bag rack. I entered the room too and looked around. This room is beautiful, beautiful than my disgusting room.

"There's the bathroom, change your clothes there and let's have dinner downstairs."

I nodded and was about to enter the bathroom but I remember something.

"Uhmm... Ms. Park, I forgot that I don't have spare clothes?"

"Oh, yeah. Just borrow mine on the cabinet, just choose what you want to wear." She comfortably said while removing her shoes. "Don't worry we will buy you tomorrow clothes." Did I just get a sugar mommy?

"You don't need to, just get my things on my house." Ms. Park looks at me blankly, raising her eyebrow... Again. "On my dad's house. That's what I mean to say, sorry." I looked down, biting my lips, fuck.

Ms. Park said stand up and walk to me. "Today, this is your home and your house. Forget your bustard father. I'm here for you, we are your family." She lifted my chin and our eyes meet each other "Also, I know when you call me Ms. Park is sexy but quit formalities and call me Chaeyoung, Rosè, Roseanne, or Rosie, you can choose." I nodded looking lost to her gaze, she's hypnotizing me "but I prefer Mommy on the bed." She smirking said, I started to feel my face hot.

- Time skip - bitch because I feel like I need to.

We're at dinner with her three friends named Lisa, Jennie, and Jisoo living with her here. I'm getting pale because of their food on the table. It's freaking me out honestly. They just continue eating fucking bloody raw food in front of me.

"I-Uhm... D-do you have food that is not r-raw?" I nervously asked them, my hands are shaking so I decided to hide them under the table and bit my lips instead. I feel their gazes over me making me more nervous to death.

"I forgot you're a human," Rosie said, I began to confuse again. "Maid, do you have human food there? Serve it here for Y/n."  They all nodded and headed to the kitchen.

"What do you mean you forgot, Ms. Par-- Rosie? Aren't you human too?" I nervously laugh as I took a lame joke, their faces are serious even Rosie.

"Y/n, we are vampires," Rosie said, I blinked processing what she said.

The maid is back with some human foods to be called. Much expensive and my appetite grow when I saw the food. Anyways, back to the topic.

"You're joking, right?"

"Do I look like I'm joking?" She returned the question making me quiet. I don't know what to feel. Should I be mad or alerted or nervous?

Mad, because their co-vampires killed my mother said by police and investigators or alerted and nervous because any minute they can eat me alive.

"Don't worry you're safe with us, we are good girls," Jisoo told me from the opposite side and smile lively at me.

"We're not gonna eat you because we only eat animals," Jennie blankly said and continue eating. "If we eat humans, the case of a vampire eating humans for blood is higher than you expected." She continues to convince me as I nodded to them.

"Honestly, I taught Chaeyoung-unnie brought you here to get eaten by us but it's okay we got another family member," Lisa cheerfully said and claps making me smile at her.

"Thank you, I got shocked seeing you y'all eating raw animals with blood." I nervously said, making them chuckled.

"It's fine, even me I would shock if I'm human," Lisa said, agreeing to me "but, I'm a vampire so... Nevermind" I giggled at her and eat my food. After we got more chitchat and headed to our room. Me and Rosie? Don't need to discuss that, you already know what happened.

Well, I'm excited about shopping tomorrow, it's been a while I shopped for myself.

To be continued...

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2021 ⏰

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