You Didn't Save Me

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I sat at the edge of the bed crying my eyes out. My whole body was shaking uncontrollably. I was blinded by the pain and the tears. My eyes were glued to the positive pregnancy test in my unsteady hand.

He's gone... and now I'm truly alone... You bastard! How could you do this to me!

He always left when things got hard. When things were amazing and the happiness we made filled the room, that's when he'd leave. He was a coward, afraid to be happy.

I should've known nothing good could've come from him. He was everything I wanted, but also everything I despised.

We couldn't of been any different. We were two ends of a spectrum of good and evil. I was completely against guns, drugs, and violence, while he was the definition.

We only had one thing in common... we were both broken. He never had anyone to lean on, nor did I.

My parents were never around and couldn't of cared less about me. I protected myself my entire life. His parents basically abandoned him and he was forced to fend for himself. We both wanted someone to finally take care of us. We were sick of never being protected. Never having stability knowing all too well the feeling of change, for different reasons, of course. He had always got in trouble for drug abuse or assaults forced to leave constantly. My mom and dad had owned a business and moved around a lot because of it.

Somehow we both ended up in the same place senior year. I started bawling more as I welcomed in the bittersweet memory that changed my course in life.

I walked in the school doors for the rare occasion of running late. I rushed to my locker collecting my supplies for the long day ahead. I was greeted with a lovely welcome by my Mia Johnson. 

Mia came from an upper middle class family wearing designer clothes and coming to school in a car getting anything and everything she wanted. Why she ever bothered herself with my existence, I don't know.

She pushed me down standing over me wanting to feel in control. She had a devious and an evil look in her eyes. She was cold and devious, the definition of a mean girl. I looked at her and her two minions behind pleading, "Please not today."

Just about everyday they'd either beat me senseless or call me cruel and unforgivable names. They'd done this ever since I'd moved here two months ago. I was always considered an easy target. Girls like her don't like a challenge.

She looked down at me with an immortal, evil grin. She was about to say something moving closer to me, but someone stopped her. A deep voice growled making her freeze in her tracks, "Fuck off, Mia."

I hadn't recognized the voice, but obviously Mia did. I turned around to see a tall figure directly behind me. I looked back at Mia who's eyes were bulging out of her head.

"Now!" The unnamed hero barked lowly making Mia flinch. Her, along with her minions, quickly fled leaving me on the ground.

It wasn't until now that I had realize that everyone was staring. He looked around at them making them quickly go back to doing whatever they were doing before.

He had dark brown hair styled in a quiff. His dark black leather jacket, dark black ripped skinny jeans gave him a tough looking exterior. His dark brown were seductive and mysterious. His aura gave off this cold and dangerous energy that make the girls swoon.

He looked down at me with a stone cold expression, but his eyes showed sympathy. I looked up at him skeptical of his sincerity.

I stared up at him keeping eye contact with him. I tried figuring him out, but he had this bullet proof wall up. It was obvious he was a bad boy who always needed to have the upper hand.

You Didn't Save Me (Short Story) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now