origin 1

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' yet again it had to be done ' ............

'mamma!!! mamma!!!' the younger me shouted eagerly .....

no answer .....

' mamma?' I spoke in a softer tone

yet again met with silence

I timidly go into my mothers room , my soft footsteps echoing down the hallway

as I enter , the sight left the 6 year old brain stiff and cold

my father with a bloodied knife in his hand standing there tears flowing down his face like water, looks at his child who stands there in shock with red watery eyes

' I am so , so , so sorry Hireath , I'm- '

before one more filthy word could come out of his mouth , I ran away as fast as my small feet could carry me , I ran out of the house , ran , ran , and ran until I reached a narrow alleyway , totally sapped , covered in mud from the rain that poured down mercilessly from above , then simply sat there , too overripe of thinking about vicissitude thing that the pure eyes had witnessed , that the brain couldn't process , eyes once again filled with water as I cried and fell into a sleep full of torment ......

' heyy' a soft polite voice of a boy same as my age , around 7 years old calls out to me as I try to open my eyes sticky from the dried up tears

' are you alright? are you hurt? ' the white haired boy with beautiful dark blue eyes asked , indeed with worry all over him

' who are you?' I say almost in a whisper , too fatigued to speak , even

' I am Noah , but first tell me are you okay? he asked

' yes I am-' just as I try to get up , I whimper in pain , a wound the 6 year old me hadn't noticed , it was a pretty deep cut at my ankle , not being able to stand , I lean on the boy who helps me prop up straight ,

' It hurts ' I said , yet again tears starting to form in my eyes

' oh no , will you come with me ? I will tell mamma and papa to treat your wound !' the boy said with a hopeful tone

" mamma and papa" the words eco in my head , the horrid scene repeating itself , making it difficult to hold back the tears any longer

' please don't cry ! uh -' the boy tries to keep me from falling while rummaging through his tiny pockets , he hands me something

' here! this is a sweet I love the most! I am sure you will like it ! ' he propels the sweet into my tiny hands , with slightly bigger hands of his own

' lets go! ' the boy said trying to urge me forward a little

'okay' I say in a whisper mixed with a whimper from the pain that my body wasn't able to endure much longer but I still some how with help of the boy , made it to his house

' Mamma!!!' the boy shouted and his mother came out , a gorgeous woman , with white hair just like his baby boy

' welcome back Noah- oh ' the mother instantly rushed towards me , seeing the concern I thought , 'why must she be so worried ? I don't even know her'

' my dear , that wound is pretty deep , I will treat it at once!' she said , worry in her tone , while picking me up and carrying me to a queer room ,

' Noah , please give mamma the happy kit' she said politely and the boy went to do so straight away , giving a nod in response

' my child , what's your name ?' she asks in a gentle ring( voice)

' H- hireath M- maquoid ' I answer gingerly

' Maquoid?' the woman repeated , a slight shock on her face

' y-yes' I say while nodding

the woman gives a soft sigh and the boy named Noah comes back with the " happy kit"

' there now , it might sting just a little , tell me if it hurts much okay?' she says in a way that reminded me of my mothers face , so gentle , so pure , filled with love , tears again , come sliding down my cheek landing onto the kind woman's hand that was slowly and haltingly cleaning my wound ,

' oh does it stings a lot my dear?' she asks , looking almost apologetic

' no ' I say , tears showing no sign of stopping

she then wraps up my wound and asks

' tell me child , what happened ' ..............................................

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